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Subsection (2) of section 13 is renewed. It provides for the publication of a permission to carry out development. The new section 15 concerns appeals by persons aggrieved by a permission to carry out development. Objections may be lodged with the planning authority. Appeal against the decisions…


This Act regulates land tenure in villages established pursuant to a settlement and resettlement program in the 1970's. Section 3 provides for the extinguishment of all rights to occupy or to use land in accordance with any customary law existing or held or claimed to be held by any person…


Regulations to make provision for the "regularisation" of land and the drafting and adoption of schemes for this purposes.The 35 regulations are divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Regularisation Area (II); Scheme of Regularisation (III); Adjudication (IV); Local Land Register (V).…


Regulations to make provision for the administration and management of village land as defined by the Village Land Act, 1999 and the assignment of rights relative to such lands.The 83 regulations are divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Management and Administration (II); Compensation (III);…


The Tanzania Tobacco Board is established as a body corporate under section 3. The functions of the Board are outlined in section 5 and include the making of regulations for the tobacco industry, the control of pests and diseases, the preservation of the environment and avoidance of land…


This Act consists of 59 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); Objectives of this Act (II); Administration (III); Bee reserves and zones (IV); Registration of beekeepers (V); Regulation of beekeeping activities (VI); Financial provisions (VII); Offences and penalties (VIII);…


This Act amends the Land Act, 1999. Amendments are:(a) a new definition of "sale"; (b) amendment to section 19 and 20 by repealing subsection 2 and 3, respectively, and substituting them, with new subsections as provided for in sections 3 and 4; amendments to section 37 are made in…


This Act makes provision for the adjudication of rights with respect to village land in relation with the settlement and resettlement of peoples in villages for the purposes of a policy promoting the development of villages. The Act also declares rights held under customary law to be…


This Act defines the liability of an occupier of premises for injury to persons or damage caused to goods and resulting from actions or omissions of the occupier in respect of the occupied property. The Act also defines the liability of a landlord under the obligation of maintenance or repair of…


This Act indicates courts having jurisdiction subject to section 167 of the Land Act and section 62 of the Village Land Act, 1999. Thos sections prescribe that every dispute or complaint concerning land shall be instituted in the court having jurisdiction to determine land disputes in a given…


Preliminary (I); Public land (II); Right of occupancy to land (III); Right of ownership of trees (IV); Grants of public lands (V), Leases (VI); Termination of rights of occupancy (VII); Miscellaneous provisions (VIII).All land in Zanzibar is declared to be public land and is vested in the…


“Land” here includes land covered with water and things affixed on land or growing on land (sect. 2). The Act shall apply to any area constituted as a Registration District by the Minister under section 5In each District a land registry shall be maintained in which information set out in section…