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Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2002

Is a forest with 1 000 species better, and managed better, than a forest with 500 species? This issue of Unasylva looks at issues related to forest biological diversity and its conservation and sustainable use. One of the key messages is that numbers are not the only issue.

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2002

This report identifies FAO’s activities concerning access to natural resources (ANR), and identifies other organizations that use explicitly or implicitly a sustainable livelihoods approach in relation to ANR. The report constitutes Output 2.1 of the work plan of the FAO LSP Sub-programme 3.1…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2002

Meeting symbol/code: ARC 02 2

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2002

Une forêt qui renferme 1 000 espèces est-elle meilleure et mieux gérée qu'une forêt qui ne contient que 500 espèces? Unasylva consacre son numéro à la diversité biologique des forêts et à sa conservation et sa gestion durable. L'un des points cardinaux de son message est que le nombre…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2002

¿Es mejor, y se administra mejor, un bosque con 1 000 especies que un bosque con 500 especies? Este número de Unasylva trata de cuestiones relacionadas con la diversidad biológica forestal y su conservación y uso sostenible. Una de las conclusiones básicas es que los números no son lo único que…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2002

Section 1 will examine current debates around poverty, vulnerability and livelihood issues related to access to natural resources. Section 2 will describe the main features of the sustainable livelihoods approaches and relate them to current thinking about access to natural resources. Section…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2002

Meeting Name: Regional Conference for Africa (ARC) (22nd Session)
Meeting symbol/code: ARC 02 INF/7

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2002

El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2002 es el informe anual de la FAO sobre los acontecimientos y cuestiones actuales relacionados con la agricultura mundial. Se realiza en él un seguimiento de la situación de la agricultura mundial, así como de su entorno económico general, y…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2002

Rights and reality are women's equal rights to land, housing and property implemented in East Africa ?

Reports & Research
Agosto 2002

Are women's equal rights to land, housing and property implemented in East Africa? How are land rights translated into national legislation in the Region? This books explores land, housing and property rights in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, and looks at how relevant international treaties…

Reports & Research
Agosto 2002

Includes historical background; customary land tenure; tenants; the customary system of land holding in Uganda today; legal provisions; provisions on equality and non-discrimination; lessons in the Ugandan legislative process; key challenges; lessons for South Africa.

Reports & Research
Julio 2002

The note publicises the existence of the papers which were given at the World Bank’s Africa Workshop, provides the hyperlink references to the pdf files where they can be found, and highlights those which the writer found to be of greatest interest. The Bank would appreciate feedback on its…