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Showing items 1207 through 1215 of 73567.La presente Ley establece el marco normativo relativo a: a) la conservación y control de la capacidad productiva de los suelos; b) la prevención de todo proceso de degradación de los suelos; c) la recuperación de los suelos degradados; y d) la promoción de la educación conservacionista del suelo.
This Regional Law establishes the modalities of classification of land areas as protected areas, specifying that the following land categories shall be considered protected areas: (a) protected natural territories; (b) environmental protection land; (c) recreational land areas; (d) land of histor
La presente Ley modifica la que crea el Bono Familiar Habitacional (BFH), en relación a la cualidad de inembargable del BFH y establece un plazo para el uso enajenatorio de las viviendas.
Enmienda: Ley Nº 27829 - Crea el Bono Familiar Habitacional (BFH). (2002-09-19)
La presente Ley crea el Bono Familiar Habitacional (BFH) como parte de la política sectorial del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, que se otorga por una sola vez a los beneficiarios, con criterio de utilidad pública, sin cargo de restitución por parte de éstos, y que constituye
The present Law is applicable to expropriation of general property proceedings and related compensation payments in so far as the federal lesgislation is not applicable.
This Law, consisting of 23 articles, establishes the legal regime for the on selling, legitimacy of occupation and concession of right of use for rural public lands and occupied territories belonging to the Federal District and to the Rural Estate Company of Brasília TERRACAP.
This Act amends the Town and Country Planning Act, 1948 by repealing and replacing section 6. Section 6 concerns the declaration of a planning area by the Minister.
This Regional Law establishes priorities of the regional land policy as follows: (a) conservation of most valuable land; (b) conservation of agricultural land and protected areas; (c) realization of the right of regional residents to land allotment; (d) land tenure by methods ensuring conservatio
This Regional Law regulates turnover of agricultural land with a view of conservation of precious productive agricultural land. It establishes minimum agricultural land areas resulting from land consolidation for open land - 1 ha, for areas under glass - 0,05 ha.
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