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Government of Albania Resources

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Library Resource
Mayo, 2009

These provisions supplement Law No. 9948 of 2008 as regards the deadlines for the submission of examination requests. The new deadline is extended for six months as from the entry into force of this Law.

Amends: Law No. 9948 on the examination of the legal validity of ownership titles relating to agricultural lands. (2008-07-07)

Library Resource
Agosto, 2008

This Regulation amends articles 2, 5, and 8 of Regulation 289 of 2006. The amendment affects the structure and organization of the ALUIIZC. According to it, the ALUIIZC will have a Tirana-based central department and 27 local departments according to the list introduced by it. Further, the ALUIIZC will be chaired by the General Director and 3 (three) Deputy Directors.

Amends: Regulation No. 289 of 2006 on the organization and functioning of the Agency of Legalisation, Urbanisation, and Integration of Informal Zones/Construction (ALUIIZC). (2006-05-17)

Library Resource
Políticas Nacionales
Diciembre, 2007

The National Strategy on Gender Equality and Domestic Violence 2007-2010 is a multi-sectoral policy laying down the approaches and institutional mechanisms for mainstreaming gender issues into public policies, easing gender-based differences and preventing domestic violence.

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