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Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050; CODEN: SUSTDE) is an international, cross-disciplinary, scholarly and open access journal of environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings. Sustainabilityprovides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development, and is published monthly online by MDPI. 

Sustainability is an Open Access journal.

    Sustainability Resources

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    Library Resource


    Publicación revisada por pares
    Enero, 2023

    Malaysia deforested 6.3 million hectares since independence; 91% of which occurred before Malaysia pledged, at the Earth Summit in 1992, to maintain a minimum 50% of its terrestrial area under forest cover. However, under economic and population pressure, Sarawak—the largest contributing state to the country’s current forest cover of 54.8%—shows continuing deforestation even after 1992.

    Library Resource


    Publicación revisada por pares
    Enero, 2023

    The Mekong Delta region has been seriously affected by climate change, with increasing temperatures, sea-level rise, and salinization strongly impacting agricultural activities of the region. Recent studies have shown that groundwater exploitation also contributes significantly to land subsidence throughout the delta. Thus, combating climate change now makes it necessary to design strategies and policies for adapting to and mitigating climate change and subsidence, not only at the individual level (mainly farmers), but also at the institutional level (province and region).

    Library Resource


    Publicación revisada por pares
    Enero, 2023

    To achieve the announced 2060 carbon neutrality goal, the government of China has recently established its “1 + N” legal and policy framework. However, the emerging autonomous vehicle technology, which is developing rapidly, is not included. Considering the significant potential of autonomous vehicle technology in reducing carbon emissions from the transportation sector, whether and how to integrate it into the current framework can be crucial for China.

    Library Resource


    Publicación revisada por pares
    Enero, 2023

    One of the world’s major issues is climate change, which has a significant impact on ecosystems, human beings, agricultural productivity, water resources, and environmental management. The General Circulation Models (GCMs), specially the recently released (coupled model intercomparison project six) CMIP6 are very indispensable to understand and support decision makers to identify adaptation strategies in response to future climate change in a basin. However, proper selection of skillful GCMs and future climate assessment is a prior task to climate impact studies.

    Library Resource


    Publicación revisada por pares
    Enero, 2023

    The increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration promotes its accumulation in trees by regulating the synthesis and transportation genes for endogenous hormones, such as IAA and GA, which are key factors in regulating various life activities, including growth rings.

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