LorenzoCotula | Land Portal


Lorenzo Cotula is an expert in law and development. He works on international investment law, human rights, land rights and legal issues related to "land grabbing",  as well as the political economy of natural resource investments. He leads IIED's work on Legal Tools for Citizen Empowerment – a collaborative initiative to strengthen local rights and voices in natural resource investments. He has extensive experience in low-income countries in Africa and Asia.


Law and development, human rights, international investment law, human rights, land rights and legal issues in "land grabbing", law and political economy in natural resource investments.

Extensive country experience in Africa and Asia, particularly low-income countries in these regions.

Current work: 

Lead on Legal Tools for Citizen Empowerment – a collaborative initiative to strengthen local rights and voices in natural resource investments; rethinking investment treaties, laws and contracts; accountability in investment chains, legal and social accountability tools in agricultural investments; legal empowerment work, and international lesson sharing among legal empowerment practitioners.

Before IIED: 

Research consultant to the Legal Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO); collaboration with two Italian NGOs.


Postgraduate certificate in Sustainable Business, University of Cambridge; PhD in Law, University of Edinburgh; MSc in Development Studies (Distinction), London School of Economics; Degree in Law (cum laude), University "La Sapienza" of Rome.


Italian, English and French


Principal researcher (law and sustainable development), Natural Resources Group; team leader, legal tools
International Institute for Environment and Development
80-86 Gray's Inn Road
WC1X 8NH London
United Kingdom

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