| Land Portal

données ouvertes

Data is open if it can be freely accessed, used, modified and shared by anyone for any purpose - subject only, at most, to requirements to provide attribution and/or share-alike. Specifically, open data is defined by the Open Definition and requires that the data be A. Legally open: that is, available under an open (data) license that permits anyone freely to access, reuse and redistribute B. Technically open: that is, that the data be available for no more than the cost of reproduction and in machine-readable and bulk form.

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Articles et Livres
juillet 2015
République-Unie de Tanzanie

Review of the advantages and disadvantages of the current Tanzania Tide Gauge (TG) vertical Datum (VD) has revealed that some of the problems cannot be solved to conform to the Satellite geodesy era timely and cost effectively. The current VD is costly and uneconomic.

Ressources et Outils d'entraînement
janvier 2015

In 2015, forest area for Kenya was 44,130 sq. km. Forest area of Kenya increased from 40,238 sq. km in 1996 to 44,130 sq. km in 2015 growing at an average annual rate of 0.51 %.


How To: Contract Monitoring Roadmap
Ressources et Outils d'entraînement
octobre 2013

This platform provides an introduction to the concepts surrounding community monitoring, based on the "Contracting Roadmap" developed by the World Bank Institute. It is appropriate for civil society organisations who are exploring whether they can monitor procurements, butit also applies to any entity interested in contract and project monitoring.

Ressources et Outils d'entraînement
avril 2013

This toolkit aims to give civil society organizations the tools they need to address gender justice issues in their work. The toolkit contains sections on:

  1. Gender Concepts (terms, frameworks and key debates);
  2. Gender Action Links (topical briefings and action resources);
Resource Contracts
Ressources et Outils d'entraînement
janvier 2012

ResourceContracts.org is a repository of publicly available oil, gas, and mining contracts in machine-readable, searchable, open data format. ResourceContracts.org promotes greater transparency of investments in the extractive industries, and facilitates a better understanding of the contracts that govern them.

Articles et Livres
décembre 2011

One special characteristic of spatial data is that they can be shared to be used for many purposes other than the one for which they were initially produced. To facilitate their efficient sharing and reuse, they need to be properly managed in the form of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). This study

Ressources et Outils d'entraînement
janvier 2009
Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Europe orientale

The Land Matrix is an independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability around large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in low- and middle-income countries across the world.

Dernières nouvelles

SOLIndex Dashboard: Consultancy
2 février 2024

La Fondation Land Portal recrute un consultant ou une entreprise qui sera responsable de la recherche, du conseil et de l'aménagement d'un tableau de bord de données foncières viable permettant aux utilisateurs de visualiser et d'analyser les données disponibles.

Head of Finance and Administration
2 février 2024

Nous recherchons un chef des finances et de l'administration expérimenté et dynamique pour jouer un rôle central dans l'orientation du Land Portal vers la durabilité et l'impact à long terme. En tant que chef des finances et de l'administration, vous superviserez tous les aspects financiers et d'approvisionnement de notre organisation, conduirez la stratégie et la planification financières et veillerez à la conformité avec les politiques et les réglementations pertinentes.

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