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Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 23.
  1. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  2. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985
    Turquie, Asie occidentale, Afrique septentrionale

    This paper describes the pastoral situation in Erzurum Province, Anatolia, Turkey, and gives an account of some of the existing range management practices.It emphasises the necessity of understanding existing pastoral practices, and more importantly the circumstances that give rise to them, when planning the improvement of livestock husbandry, breeding, fodder production and pasture management. Erzurum province is one of the most important areas in Turkey for the production of sheep and cattle for fattening and slaughter.

  3. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985
    Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Nigéria, Afrique sub-saharienne

    Attempts at settling or sedentarizing nomadic herders in semi-arid and arid regions have been largely unsuccessful, partly on account of the difficulty of restricting the movements of domestic livestock in areas where low and irregular rainfall lead to scant and unreliable sources of water and grazing. But for the herders in sub-humid regions, where both water and vegetation resources are much more reliable and substantial, there appear to be different possibilities.

  4. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    janvier, 1985
    Inde, Asie méridionale

    In his insghtfull but unfinished work, Dharm Narain drew attention to the behavior of prices as one of the important factors determining the extent of poverty in rural India. His empirical investigations, summarized in Gunvant Desai's contribution to this volume (chap. 1), provide strong prima facie evidence of such influence. Dharm Narain found that rural poverty is not only inversely related to the level of output per head of the rural population, as established in Ahluwalia (1978a), but also positively related to the level of prices.

  5. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985

    This Decree prescribes the procedures required for selling or leasing municipal or communal land property, to agricultural cooperatives: either lease or sale of land property to agricultural cooperatives is allowed directly from the competent authorities (Municipalities), without any auction procedures; these land properties shall be used by the cooperatives exclusively for the purposes for which they have been leased.

  6. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  7. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985
    Soudan, Afrique sub-saharienne

    The enclosure of open rangeland and its allocation to individuals or groups is a component of many African livestock development projects. In project after project, however, pastoralists have declined to fence or reallocate ownership of their land according to project specifications. It would now appear that the promise of a more efficient system of livestock production and range management is not, in itself, sufficient to induce pastoralists to adopt a fenced system of ranching.

  8. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985

    Cette loi reconnait la nécessité de définir et de mettre en oeuvre une politique spécifique de développement, d'aménagement et de protection pour la montagne, vu qu'elle constitue une entité géographique, économique et sociale particulière, en vertu de son relief, de son climat, de son patrimoine naturel et culturel. La politique de la montagne se caractérise par la promotion d'une démarche de développement local, dite démarche d'autodéveloppement, qui est engagée et maîtrisée par la population montagnarde.

  9. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985
    Nigéria, Afrique sub-saharienne

    This paper is based on a series of studies conducted by the author on the settlement problems, work roles and educational experiments among nomadic Fulani in Plateau, Bauchi and Kaduna States, Nigeria, from 1982 to 1984.The first part of this paper describes the land tenure system in northern Nigeria and the way in which it affects pastoral nomads and plans for their settlement. The second part discusses the Nigerian Government;s intention to educate nomads and gives the example of special schemes which have attempted to do this.

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