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Showing items 1 through 9 of 23.
  1. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  2. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  3. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    janvier, 1985
    Inde, Asie méridionale

    During the past two decades there has been increasing concern that the development strategies of the 1950s and 1960s would neither eliminate nor even greatly reduce poverty even as the pervasive nature of that poverty became more widely recognized. This increase in concern conincided with the drama of the major biological breakthroughs in food production associated with the "green revolution." A debate began on whether there was a causal relation between the technology of the green revolution and the incidence of rural poverty.

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