Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 149.
  1. Library Resource
    Documents et rapports de conférence
    février, 1985

    L’adoption du Plan de Lagos en 1980 est la décision politique, économique et sociale la plus importante prise par l’Afrique depuis l’établissement de la charte de l’OAU en 1963. Dans la période 1980-83, la production par habitant a baissé de 2,7 pour cent par an pour l’agriculture et de 2,9 pour cent par an pour le seul sous-secteur alimentaire.

  2. Library Resource
    Documents et rapports de conférence
    septembre, 1985

    The expert group meeting was held in the spirit of the Lagos Plan of Action9 particularly chapters I and IX dealing with Food and Agriculture, and UNEP Governing Council decision GC.11/7 of May 19C3 on the programme budget, for 1984, part eight on the Regional Programme for Africa, dealing with, inter alia, the prevention of post harvest food losses and encroachment on arable land. The objective of the meeting was to review on-going activities and identify gaps where future activities should be directed.

  3. Library Resource
    Rapports et recherches
    septembre, 1985

    Nigeria has a land area of 925,768 km2 or approximately 92,4 million ha., which places her as the 14th largest country in Africa. With a population estimated at 80 million, every inhabitant theoretically has only 1.15 ha of land available for meeting basic economic, industrial and social needs. Lying between latitudes 4°N and 12°N, on the west coast of Africa and with 680 km of coastline, land is not homogenous and is therefore not fully accessible ant! utilizable for any or all of these basic needs.

  4. Library Resource
    Documents et rapports de conférence
    février, 1985

    This paper focuses on the proposals for food and agriculture development 1986 – 1990. the experiences and implications of the current crisis re-emphasize ever more sharply Africa's development priorities in the immediate future and in the long run.

  5. Library Resource
    Rapports et recherches
    septembre, 1985

    The expert group meeting was held in the spirit of the Lagos Plan of Action,particularly chapters I and IX dealing with Food and Agriculture,UNEP Governing Council decision SC.11/7 of may 1983 on the program budget for 1984, part eight on the Regional Program for Africa, dealing with, inter alias, the prevention of

    post harvest food losses and encroachment on arable land. The objective of the meeting was to review on-going activities and identify gaps where future activities should he directed.

  6. Library Resource
    Documents et rapports de conférence
    octobre, 1985

    The main objectives of the cooperative societies of the 1960’s were the promotion, in accordance with cooperative principles and the requirements of social justice, of better living, better business and better methods of production by reducing the cost of credit, etc. Most of the societies then were farmers' cooperatives whose membership were composed of land owners, provincial and district Governors businessmen, etc. The leadership was also controlled by the same people.

  7. Library Resource

    Seminario sobre el Proyecto Procesos Agropecuarios de Importancia en América Latina desde la Perspectiva Ambiental

    Articles et Livres
    mai, 1985

    Presenta una detallada investigacion sobre formas de ocupacion rural y consecuencias en el Cerrado" y la Amazonia brasilera."

  8. Library Resource

    Proyecto Incorporación de la Dimensión Ambiental en los Procesos de Planificación del Desarrollo: Estudio de Casos, Aspectos Metodológicos y Cooperación Horizontal

    Rapports et recherches
    novembre, 1985
    Amérique du Sud, Amérique centrale

    Contiene algunas consideraciones sobre la crisis de desarrollo que sufre la region y sus consecuencias sobre la crisis de la planificacion y el medio ambiente. Analiza formas de incorporar la dimension ambiental a la planificacion, entre ellas, la investigacion sobre recursos naturales y evaluacion de los mismos, la preparacion de cuentas o inventarios del patrimonio natural y cultural. Evalua las formas institucionales adoptadas para la planificacion del desarrollo y presenta el analisis costo-beneficio como una herramienta de apoyo a la politica ambiental.

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