Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 149.
  1. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 1985

    This issue of Unasylva focuses on Africa. A large part of the continent has been overrun by drought in successive years, and millions of people are exposed to hunger and malnutrition. In many African countries, cultivation is because of hunger - rapidly expanding into forest land and areas of low rainfall. This process, coupled with necessarily unmanaged exploitation for fuelwood, fodder and other basic goods and services that forests and trees provide, has led to a progressively increasing rate of deforestation.

  2. Library Resource
    Rapports et recherches
    décembre, 1985

    This study, which is part of in-depth studies on the economies of African least developed countries envisaged in the ECA Medium-term Plan for the period 1984—1989, underscores the objective of the attainment of food self—sufficiency as a priority area called for in such key documents, as Freetown Declaration (November 1976) of Ministers of Agriculture, the Regional Food Plan for Africa (l978) the Monrovia Declaration of Commitment on Guidelines and Measures for National and Collective self-reliance in social and Economic Development for the Establishment of a New Economic Order (July 1979),

  3. Library Resource
    juin, 1985

    Providing the Procedrues and Guidelines for the Expeditious Acquisitions by the Government of Private Real Properties or Rights thereon for Infrastruture and other Goernment Development Projects

  4. Library Resource

    Proyecto Incorporación de la Dimensión Ambiental en los Procesos de Planificación del Desarrollo: Estudio de Casos, Aspectos Metodológicos y Cooperación Horizontal

    Rapports et recherches
    novembre, 1985
    Amérique du Sud, Amérique centrale

    Contiene algunas consideraciones sobre la crisis de desarrollo que sufre la region y sus consecuencias sobre la crisis de la planificacion y el medio ambiente. Analiza formas de incorporar la dimension ambiental a la planificacion, entre ellas, la investigacion sobre recursos naturales y evaluacion de los mismos, la preparacion de cuentas o inventarios del patrimonio natural y cultural. Evalua las formas institucionales adoptadas para la planificacion del desarrollo y presenta el analisis costo-beneficio como una herramienta de apoyo a la politica ambiental.

  5. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 1985

    This paper uses multiple regression analysis to examine the effects of energy resource development on sale prices of agricultural land in western North Dakota. The findings suggest that energy resources development has exerted only modest upward pressure on agricultural land values in the northern Great Plains. The land market in this region remains dominated by active farmers who are purchasing farmland as a long-term investment, and energy development has not had a major impact on the structure of that market.

  6. Library Resource
    Rapports et recherches
    septembre, 1985

    The expert group meeting was held in the spirit of the Lagos Plan of Action,particularly chapters I and IX dealing with Food and Agriculture,UNEP Governing Council decision SC.11/7 of may 1983 on the program budget for 1984, part eight on the Regional Program for Africa, dealing with, inter alias, the prevention of

    post harvest food losses and encroachment on arable land. The objective of the meeting was to review on-going activities and identify gaps where future activities should he directed.

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