Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 149.
  1. Library Resource
    Rapports et recherches
    décembre, 1985

    Discusses the problems of livestock development in Africa - at producer, government and funding agency level; the basic constraints and planning approaches to livestock development; land tenure policies; livestock marketing & pricing policies; animal disease control and eradication policies; and behaviour of the producer in his environment.

  2. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 1985
    Colombie, Amérique centrale, Amérique du Sud
  3. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  4. Library Resource
    Documents et rapports de conférence
    décembre, 1985

    Etude ayant pour objet de determiner, en partant d'observations cliniques faites tout au long de l'annee 1983 au niveau des troupeaux de petits ruminants suivis par le CIPEA, les causes de mortalite les plus connues avant sevrage afin de pouvoir entreprendre des essais visant a leur reduction au niveau des memes troupeaux.

  5. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  6. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  7. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 1985
    Brésil, Amérique centrale, Amérique du Sud
  8. Library Resource

    An Ordinance to provide for the preservation and protection of beaches in the Virgin Islands and related matters.

    juillet, 1985

    The Ordinance provides for the protection of the coastline of the British Virgin Islands. No person shall remove any natural barrier against the sea or take away or dig any gravel, sand, stone, etc. except under authority of a permit granted by the Minister. At any rate no person shall remove any land if this results in inroads into land by the sea. The permit may be obtained by an application to be made according to section 5. The Minister may attach conditions to a permit. No digging shall take place at night. The Ordinance further prohibits the pollution of the foreshore (sect.

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