Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 149.
  1. Library Resource
    juin, 1985

    This Law is enacted with a view to improving the protection, management and development of grasslands and to ensure their rational use; to protect and improve the ecological environment, to modernise animal husbandry; and to enhance the prosperity of the local economies of the national autonomous areas. This Law shall be applicable to all grasslands within the territory of China, including hills and lands covered with grass. The department of farming and animal husbandry under the State Council shall be in charge of national administration of grasslands.

  2. Library Resource
    avril, 1985

    La presente Ley declara de interés provincial y de ejecución prioritaria los planes y programas tendientes al mejoramiento, subdivisión racional, entrega y aprovechamiento integral, así como a la incorporación efectiva a la economía provincial, de las tierras de propiedad pública ubicadas en la Quebrada y Puna. Uno de los objetivos principales consiste en consolidar y aumentar la población rural, arraigando al agricultor y al ganadero en la tierra que trabajan.

  3. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985

    El presente Decreto, que consta de 13 artículos y 2 disposiciones finales, se aplica a las empresas agrícolas que se dedican a los cultivos de cacao, café y palmera de aceite y que contraten trabajadores no asalariados en calidad de aparceros (art. 1º). El término aparcero designa al productor agrícola no asalariado contratado por un empleador para labrar por su cuenta y riesgos una extensión de terreno plantado de cacao, café o palmera de aceite (art. 2º).

  4. Library Resource

    Resolução n. 1/85.

    avril, 1985

    This Resolution regulates the short-term food supply to population. It requires the introduction of a new law ruling on the import and export of specific food products and, to this end, it provides the guidelines to be followed. In particular, it refers to land concession for agricultural and livestock purposes, the related distribution procedures and special programmes to be implemented for the empowerment of farmers and for raising public awareness of food patterns. It also regulates fisheries and international food aid.

  5. Library Resource
    avril, 1985

    This Decree is divided in the following Chapters: I, General provisions; II, Use and Administration of the Lands; III, Penalties; IV, Final Provision. It provides for the rational use and administration of agricultural land, the increase of agricultural production, the rehabilitation of abandoned or uncultivated land. Moreover it provides for families and individuals already working in the land or to whom abandoned or unused land shall be allocated.

  6. Library Resource
    mai, 1985

    El presente Decreto tiene por objeto reglamentar la Ley Integral del Aborigen. En primer lugar el Decreto define a las comunidades aborígenes como organizaciones tradicionales, es decir grupos indígenas que funcionan como comunidades en un espacio territorial determinado conforme a sus usos y costumbres históricas.

  7. Library Resource
    mai, 1985

    Rules made by the Land Surveyors' Board under section 15 of the Land Surveyors' Act. Rule 3 prescribes the conditions for the issue of a licence to practise as land surveyor in Barbados: A person shall have completed apprenticeship with a land surveyor and the Lands and Surveys Department and shall have passed the final examination of the Board. Exceptions may be made persons as specified in paragraph [2] of rule 3. This category includes land surveyors from other Commonwealth Carribean countries and those who possess qualifications as set out in part I of the Second Schedule.

  8. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985

    This Decree prescribes the procedures required for selling or leasing municipal or communal land property, to agricultural cooperatives: either lease or sale of land property to agricultural cooperatives is allowed directly from the competent authorities (Municipalities), without any auction procedures; these land properties shall be used by the cooperatives exclusively for the purposes for which they have been leased.

  9. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 1985
    Kenya, Italie, Mexique, Brésil, Madagascar

    This issue of Unasylva focuses on the fortieth anniversary of FAO - -and, in particular, on 40 years of work by FAO's Forestry Department. Here, and in the two issues that follow, we will, in addition to publishing articles on important forestry topics, be reprinting selected excerpts from early issues of Unasylva. This issue, for example, includes the major portion of an article from the very first Unasylva: "The disappearance of the tropical forests of Africa,'' by Andr Marie A.

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