Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 149.
  1. Library Resource

    An Act to grant financial assistance in connection with projects relating to soil conservation and to establish a National Soil Conservation Program Fund, and for related purposes.

    mai, 1985

    The text consists of 21 sections divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Financial assistance (II); National Soil Conservation Program Fund (III); Soil Conservation Advisory Committee (IV); Miscellaneous (V).

  2. Library Resource
    juin, 1985

    Cette loi porte réglementation de l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique et des modalités d'indemnisation. Elle comprend 16 articles répartis en 4 chapitres. La loi indique les cas où peut avoir lieu l'expropriation et quelle est la procedure à suivre, ainsi que les critères à observer pour établir l'indemnisation et pour règler les contentieux eventuels dus aux contestations de ces indemnités.

  3. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985

    This Decree prescribes the procedures required for selling or leasing municipal or communal land property, to agricultural cooperatives: either lease or sale of land property to agricultural cooperatives is allowed directly from the competent authorities (Municipalities), without any auction procedures; these land properties shall be used by the cooperatives exclusively for the purposes for which they have been leased.

  4. Library Resource
    mai, 1985

    Rules made by the Land Surveyors' Board under section 15 of the Land Surveyors' Act. Rule 3 prescribes the conditions for the issue of a licence to practise as land surveyor in Barbados: A person shall have completed apprenticeship with a land surveyor and the Lands and Surveys Department and shall have passed the final examination of the Board. Exceptions may be made persons as specified in paragraph [2] of rule 3. This category includes land surveyors from other Commonwealth Carribean countries and those who possess qualifications as set out in part I of the Second Schedule.

  5. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985

    El presente Decreto, que consta de 13 artículos y 2 disposiciones finales, se aplica a las empresas agrícolas que se dedican a los cultivos de cacao, café y palmera de aceite y que contraten trabajadores no asalariados en calidad de aparceros (art. 1º). El término aparcero designa al productor agrícola no asalariado contratado por un empleador para labrar por su cuenta y riesgos una extensión de terreno plantado de cacao, café o palmera de aceite (art. 2º).

  6. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985

    Cette loi reconnait la nécessité de définir et de mettre en oeuvre une politique spécifique de développement, d'aménagement et de protection pour la montagne, vu qu'elle constitue une entité géographique, économique et sociale particulière, en vertu de son relief, de son climat, de son patrimoine naturel et culturel. La politique de la montagne se caractérise par la promotion d'une démarche de développement local, dite démarche d'autodéveloppement, qui est engagée et maîtrisée par la population montagnarde.

  7. Library Resource
    juin, 1985

    This Law is enacted with a view to improving the protection, management and development of grasslands and to ensure their rational use; to protect and improve the ecological environment, to modernise animal husbandry; and to enhance the prosperity of the local economies of the national autonomous areas. This Law shall be applicable to all grasslands within the territory of China, including hills and lands covered with grass. The department of farming and animal husbandry under the State Council shall be in charge of national administration of grasslands.

  8. Library Resource
    février, 1985

    The objective of this Law, which includes 30 articles and 5 provisional articles, is to establish and define the tasks of the General Directorate of Land Reform under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Main tasks of the Department are: 1. Research and survey activities to determine the priorities of implementation and propose the areas where land reform shall be implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture. 2. Distribute or lease Government lands to landless farmers and equip, support, train and organize these farmers. 3.

  9. Library Resource
    mai, 1985

    The purpose of this Law is to establish the procedures concerning the establishment, organization, duties and jurisdiction of the General Directorate for Rural Services under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs. It consists of 5 sections defining the duty of this institution entitled to carry out agricultural and environmental programmes (including land use planning, water uses, irrigation, quality standards for drinking water, etc.) within Turkish territory.

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