Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 149.
  1. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1985
  2. Library Resource
    janvier, 1985
    Turquie, Asie occidentale, Afrique septentrionale

    This paper describes the pastoral situation in Erzurum Province, Anatolia, Turkey, and gives an account of some of the existing range management practices.It emphasises the necessity of understanding existing pastoral practices, and more importantly the circumstances that give rise to them, when planning the improvement of livestock husbandry, breeding, fodder production and pasture management. Erzurum province is one of the most important areas in Turkey for the production of sheep and cattle for fattening and slaughter.

  3. Library Resource
    Document aggregated from Resource Equity Landwise Database
    janvier, 1986
  4. Library Resource
    Documents et rapports de conférence
    mai, 1985

    In this document the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa analyses the land problem in the urban areas and housing programmes for the masses. The document is in five main parts. The first part introduces the land issue in human settlements policy and identifies areas requiring attention in the interest of an orderly use of land in urban areas.

  5. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 1985
    Afrique, Afrique orientale

    Examines the productivity of East African pastoral systems in terms of animal protein & energy production, milk offtake and livestock production parameters such as calving percentage, calf mortality and herd structure; compares the productivity of East African pastoral systems to those of commercial ranches and to pastoral systems in other parts of the world.

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