Uncovering Land Data Opportunities in Senegal | Land Portal
Contact details: 
Lilian Lee, lilian.lee@landportal.info
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The French colonies of Senegal and French Sudan were merged in 1959 and granted independence in 1960 as the Mali Federation. The union broke up after only a few months. Senegal joined with The Gambia to form the nominal confederation of Senegambia in 1982. The envisaged integration of the two countries was never implemented, and the union was dissolved in 1989. The Movement of Democratic Forces in the Casamance has led a low-level separatist insurgency in southern Senegal since the 1980s, and several peace deals have failed to resolve the conflict.

Language of the event: 

Co-hosts: Land Portal, Open Data Charter, GIZ, Government of Senegal - Agence Nationale pour l'Aménagement du Territoire (ANAT)



The momentum is increasing around international land monitoring initiatives, together with an unprecedented demand for free, accessible, and usable land data and information. The land sector must find ways to seize opportunities presented by open data innovations while negotiating a rapidly changing data environment. 

The Land Portal and Open Data Charter have been working with the Government of Senegal to open up land data, following the guidance set forth in the Open Up Guide for Land Governance. The Open Up Guide is a practical guide for governments who are seeking to better collect, publish, and use land data for the public good. As Phase 1 of this project, the team has published the State of Land Information in Senegal (SOLI) Report. SOLI reports are research-driven analyses of the current state of land data that assess the available land information against open data standards. 

  • The webinar:
  • Shared latest results from the Open Up Guide implementation pilot in Senegal and findings from the SOLI Senegal report 

  • Asked and discussed questions concerning the interest in and maturity of open data in Senegal as it relates to land 

  • Hear perspectives from the government of Senegal (ANAT, PROCASEF), donors (GIZ, World Bank), local community members, using specific case studies on data and land initiatives


Kader Fanta Ngom
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)


Mamadou DJIGO
Director General
Senegal National Agency for Spatial Planning (ANAT)


Oumou Kalsoum Khoule Seck
Director of Spatial Planning
Senegal National Agency for Spatial Planning (ANAT)


Natalia Carfi
Executive Director
Open Data Charter


Charl-Thom Bayer
Open Data Project Lead
Land Portal Foundation


Abdou Karim MBENGUE
Observatoire national de Territoires (ONT)


Dr. Labaly Toure
Land Portal Senegal Researcher


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31 janvier 2023
Land Portal Foundation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Government of Senegal

Le webinaire :

  • Partager les derniers résultats du projet pilote de mise en œuvre du Guide Open Up au Sénégal et les conclusions du rapport SOLI Sénégal

  • Poser et discuter des questions concernant l'intérêt et la maturité des données ouvertes au Sénégal en ce qui concerne le foncier

  • Entendre les points de vue du gouvernement du Sénégal, des donateurs, et des membres de la communauté locale, en utilisant des études de cas spécifiques sur les données et les initiatives foncières

Library Resource

An Open Data Assessment

Rapports et recherches
septembre, 2022

This State of Land Information (SOLI) report is an analysis of the current state of land data in Senegal, assessing the availability of land information and the compliance of this information with open data standards. 

Library Resource

Une Évaluation des Données

Rapports et recherches
septembre, 2022

Ce rapport sur l'état des informations foncières (SOLI) est une analyse de l'état actuel des données foncières au Sénégal, évaluant la disponibilité des informations foncières et la conformité de ces informations avec les normes de données ouvertes. 

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