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Rapports et recherches
avril 2022
Afrique du Sud


This is the PDF version of an online data story published by Land Portal on 28 April 2022.

Rapports et recherches
novembre 2017

This publication is based on a range of past studies on ICCAs conducted in several regions of the world in the last two decades, and, most recently, on 19 country level case studies. The latter were commissioned as part of a project on ICCA Recognition and Support, undertaken by the ICCA Consortium, coordinated by Kalpavriksh.

Documents de politique et mémoires
novembre 2012

This report is based on research and analysis undertaken with the objective of deepening the understanding of CCAs in India, primarily to achieve two goals. Firstly, to bring to light the unknown conservation efforts undertaken in India and secondly, to attempt an action plan that would cater to the individual and overall needs of these areas.

Documents de politique et mémoires
avril 2014

The unauthorised colony (UAC) is one of the seven types of ‘unplanned’ settlement designated by the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD). UACs are residential settlements built in contravention of zoning regulations, developed either in violation of Delhi’s master plans or on ‘illegally’ subdivided agricultural land.

Documents de politique et mémoires
novembre 2014

The Pacific Islands, a group of fourteen island nations in the South Pacific Ocean had been a source of low interest for the global powers, however, this seems to have changed as Asia draws increasing attention from the world economies in the 21st century.

Documents de politique et mémoires
juin 2015

Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification that was first promulgated in 1991 and amended over 25 times. Though much has been written about the Notification, the performance of CZMAs and the institutional challenges to implementation have never been studied.

Documents de politique et mémoires
juillet 2016

This document, titled Closing the Enforcement Gap: Groundtruthing of Environmental Violations in Sarguja, Chhattisgarh,is the second in the series of community led groundtruthing exercises carried out by the Centre for Policy Research (CPR)-Namati Environmental Justice Program in partnership with Janabhivyakti and Hasdeo Arand Bachao Sangharsh Samiti (HABSS).

Matériels institutionnels et promotionnels
septembre 2016

The handbook does not specifically list judicial and court related remedies to any of these problems. In case the problem does not get resolved through the administrative route, clients and community practitioners have the option of accessing avenues such as the National Green Tribunal (NGT) and Courts which are accessed through lawyers.

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