Community / Land projects / Innovative Sanitation for Peri Urban Areas in Lusaka Zambia (InSPUR-Project) 2014 - 2016
Innovative Sanitation for Peri Urban Areas in Lusaka Zambia (InSPUR-Project) 2014 - 2016
12/13 - 12/16
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There is a urgent need for provision of water and sanitation services as basic human right and enforcement of relevant regulations that affecting the improvement peri-urban settlements in Zambia which requires to be improved for both the livelihood and the environment. The Overall Objective of the Project is to Upscale the Implementation + Operationalise through Public Private Partnership the lessons learnt from Zambia Sustainable Sanitation Improvement Project (SSIP) a 6 years Longitudinal Action Ori ented Research Recommendations implemented by NECOS + Its International Partner GDTF. The project will promote equal access to clean water better sanitation and safe environment for the targeted communities. For some time NECOS has been pioneering alter native methods of providing sanitation services in peri-urban areas taking into account the need to protect contamination of underground water and the environment in general. The project promotes the assertion that equality between women and men is fundame ntal to tackling poverty and promoting meaningful and lasting improvements in the quality of community life. The construction dry toilets will significantly expected to contribute to improved peri-urban areas if intervention actions are taken. NECOS striv es to raise the standard of living and improved community healthy to reduce the environment health risks and costs of public health importance. The project planned to construct 150 dry toilets + build on the achievements of the six (6 years) longitu dinal action oriented research on the social-cultural sanitation financing mechanisms and the upgrading of the peri urban living environment. The main beneficiaries of the proposed project are the vulnerable people in the four 4 Constituencies and 8 W ards with population estimated at 18000 of the peri- urban residents including the councilors and area members of parliament. Project key activities include the construction of 150 Dry ToiletsFacilitating Policy Dialogue Workshops SMEs training + capac ity building School WASHE + Community Hygiene PromotionStakeholder meetings Monitoring +EvaluationReport writings Policy Brief IECs Materials + Ecosan user manual developmentImproved Tenure security promotionUrban Small Scale farming promotionSanitation M arketingPromotion of Sanitation Loan and Social Schemes introductionFacilitating student internships finalisingEcosan Curriculum Creating and Compilation of