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Community / Land projects / We Effect ALCANCE Moz 2023-2027 - We Effect ALCANCE Moz 2023-2027- Phase 1

We Effect ALCANCE Moz 2023-2027 - We Effect ALCANCE Moz 2023-2027- Phase 1


12/23 - 12/26


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The overall objective of the ALCANCE Contribution is "Empowered partner organisations for increased access to productive land, access, and control of means of production, and increased knowledge by women and stallholder farmers to ensure the right of nutritious food in Nia. To achieve that, the ALCANCE contribution has six overarching results areas (RA) developed with the following respective outcomes and outputs: RA1: Effective equitable and just food systems Outcome: Empowered partner organisations for increased access to productive land, access, and control of means of production, and increased knowledge by women and stallholder farmers to ensure the right of nutritious food. With outputs: 1.1 increased land rights for women and marginalised communities, 1.2 increased implementation of sustainable land management (SALM) practices among smallholder farmers, 1.3 Strengthened apex organisations for increased public extension and technical support and agriculture input, 1.4 Strengthened functional and equitable values chains in agriculture and local food. RA2: Sustainable livelihoods. Outcome: Increased uptake of SALM practices and diversification of income generation activities through environmentally sustainable businesses while enhancing peace and stability. With outputs: 2.1 Strengthened women forums taking critical decisions on choices of type of seed, type of inputs, tools, agriculture training needs within farmers organisations, 2.2 Strengthened farmer organisations advocating for improved access to and benefit from extension services from duty bears and to provide adequate extension service packages to women as their members, 2.3 Women's economic empowerment projects ensuring sustainable livelihoods for women, households, and communities implemented, 2.4 Increased women's access to financial services RA3: Climate change and resilience Outcome: Partner organisations are strengthened to act locally and globally to empower rights holders to achieve long lasting and sustainable results in efforts toward climate justice. With outputs: 3.1 Increased number of spaces and opportunities for smallholder farmers to lobby for climate change improved policies, 3.2 Partners organisations strengthened to develop and facilitating access to early warning systems and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities for relevant communities, 3.3 Partner organisations strengthened to support small farmers, particularly women, to adopt improved, adaptive and resilient farming system, 3.4 Strengthened partners organisation to promote the blue economy by supporting fisher folks preserve the commons in inland waters and seas. RA4: Gender equality Outcome: Partners are strengthened to address gender inequalities in communities they work with by seeking to transform the harmful gender norms that hinder women's leadership and access to and control of resources and assets. With outputs: 4.1 Partners organisation strengthened to implement actions aiming at transforming harmful social norms that exclude and increase the vulnerability of women and marginalised communities, 4.2 Partner organisations strengthened to promote upcoming women led movements and women leadership 4.3 Partner organisations supported to develop tools to analyse power dynamics in their organisations and the communities they work with, 4.4 Partners organisations are strengthened to link up with specialized organisations to combat GBV RA5: Equitable and just access to adequate housing Outcome: Partner organisations are strengthened to reduce rights holders vulnerability to climate change by promoting equitable and just access to adequate housing. With outputs: 5.1 Partners organisations are strengthened to develop and disseminate housing models that are resilient to climate change effects, considering women need and privacy, and are inclusive, 5.2 Increased uptake and support for environmentally sustainable products and resources in housing by the rights-holders, 5.3 Partners organisations are strengthened to undertake policy advocacy for equitable and just access to adequate housing, 5.4 Partners are strengthened to support settlement of IDP through access to land for farming and housing and promote peaceful society. RA6: Stronger organization Outcome: Partner organisations are supported to become effective and sustainable agents of transformational change With outputs: 6.1 Partner organisations are more democratic, transparent, equitable, inclusive, accountable and member led, 6.2 Partners organisations strengthened to mobilize and support collective action of rights-holders living in poverty, 6.3 Partner organisations strengthened to deliver demand driven, equal, equitable and justice member owned services, 6.4 Undertake policy advocacy for policy reform of discriminatory and unjust laws, policies, and national strategies on the right to food and climate change.

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