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Reducing the Vulnerability of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change : Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options

oktober, 2013
North Macedonia

Agricultural production is inextricably tied to climate, making agriculture one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic sectors. In countries such as the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia, the risks of climate change for the agricultural sector are a particularly immediate and important problem because the majority of the rural population depends either directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Kyrgyz Republic : Minimum Living Standards and Alternative Targeting Methods for Social Transfers

oktober, 2013

The objective of this report is twofold:
first, analyze and discuss the linkages between different
minimum standards currently used in the Kyrgyz Republic and
with the Monthly Benefit for Poor Families (MBPF), and,
secondly, to analyze the potential of alternative targeting
methods and benefit levels. The analysis in this report
mainly draws on data from the Kyrgyz Integrated Household
Survey (KIHS) 2010. The report is structured as follows: the

Republic of South Sudan : The Rapid Water Sector Needs Assessment and a Way Forward

oktober, 2013

The aim of the rapid assessment is to
support the transition from emergency post conflict recovery
to a development approach. The completion of the water,
sanitation, and hygiene, or WASH strategic framework in 2011
was intended to mark the beginning of this transition in the
water resources sector. Among other things, the transition
involved the adjustment of policy and strategy and possibly
a rethinking of approaches as the government shifts from

Tajikistan : Overview of Climate Change Activities

Reports & Research
oktober, 2013

This overview of climate change
activities in Tajikistan is part of a series of country
notes for five Central Asian countries that summarize
climate portfolio of the major development partners in a
number of climate-sensitive sectors, namely energy,
agriculture, forestry and natural resources, water, health,
and transport. Recognizing the nature and significance of
climate change contribution to an increase in disaster risk,

Uganda - Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Update : Prepared for the Enhanced Integrated Framework

oktober, 2013

The Government of the Republic of Uganda
has requested an update of the 2006 Diagnostic Trade
Integration Study (DTIS) and has asked the World Bank to
take the leading role in this exercise. The update's
objectives are: (a) to take stock of progress in the
mainstreaming of trade in the national development plan and
of the implementation of action matrix recommendations; (b)
to complement and deepen the analysis in selected areas; and

Reconstruction Policy and Planning

oktober, 2013

The unprecedented damage caused by the
Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) affected multiple
locations, posing severe challenges for local governments.
Based on advice from an independent council, the government
acted quickly and issued a basic policy and regulation
framework within four months, laying the foundation for an
inclusive process of recovery and reconstruction. This note
documents the interactive process of reconstruction

Islamic Republic of Mauritania : Financial Sector Development Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2017

oktober, 2013

The financial sector comprises all
institutions and agencies that are involved in financing the
economy, mobilizing savings, managing risks and providing
means of payment. In view of the importance of the services
rendered, the financial sector constitutes the footing of
development of the national economy. Economic growth,
private sector development, job creation and poverty
reduction depend on a sound, efficient and vigorous

Financial Sector Assessment Program : Malawi - Legal Framework for Acceptance, Registration and Realization of Collateral

oktober, 2013

A well-functioning legal framework for
secured lending needs to provide for the creation,
recognition and enforcement of security interests. This
includes making it possible for all types of assets to be
collateralized, effective notice and registration rules to
be adapted to all types of property, and clear rules of
priority on competing claims or interests in the same
assets. This working paper includes the following headings:

Financial Sector Assessment Program Update : Egypt

oktober, 2013

A joint team from the International
Monetary Fund's (IMF's) Monetary and Financial
Systems Department (MFD) and the World Bank visited Egypt
between May 6 and May 21, 2007 to update the assessment of
the Egyptian Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) that
had been conducted in June 2002 and completed in September
2002. The work under the FSAP update aimed to assess
progress in reforming the financial sector and strengthening

Beyond Awareness and Self-Governance: Approaching Kavango Timber Users’ Real-Life Choices

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2013

Targeted illegal harvesting of hardwood in the woodland of Namibia’s Kavango region threatens forest stands. In a transforming setting, where wood is increasingly traded through value chains on a globalized market, local harvesters have complex incentives but also a crucially important position. Sustainability largely depends on their choices. Such choices are being influenced by awareness campaigns and decentralized forest management, which are being lauded and supported.

Report on Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Workshop

Training Resources & Tools
september, 2013

SALE project organized a workshop on monitoring and evaluation framework at proshika HDRC trust, koitta, Manikhonj from 08-09 October, 2013. It was mainly two days workshop for SALE project staff. Amar Krishna Baidya, TC- Knowledge Management Care Bangladesh facilitated the workshop program in association with Project Coordinator Mr. Mamun Ur Rashid of SALE project and Head of Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation (HPM&E) Mrs. Suraiya Ferdous.

Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ in Asia Project Brochure

Institutional & promotional materials
september, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

Since 2009, RECOFTC has been implementing a regional project on Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+, through the support of Norad, with the aim of promoting the effective engagement of diverse grassroots stakeholders in the climate change and REDD+ dialogues in Asia-Pacific region.