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Displaying 577 - 588 of 1254

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review : Madagascar

februari, 2014

This Country-Level Effectiveness and
Accountability Review (CLEAR) examines the efficacy of
microfinance aid in Madagascar, based on an objective
analysis of donor assistance for the sustainable development
of financial systems targeting the poor. The three levels of
the financial system are the micro level (e.g., retail
institutions), the meso level (e.g., apex, technical service
providers), and the macro level (e.g., regulations and

Cumulative Impacts and Joint Operation of Small-Scale Hydropower Cascades

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
januari, 2014
Eastern Asia

Increasing energy demands and concerns about global warming call for an increase in energy generation from renewable sources. Small hydropower plants represent a significant contribution to meet this demand. But the optimal use of this resource in a sustainable manner still remains a challenge. A cascade of small dams may have detrimental impacts on the environment and water use without implementation of proper mitigation measures and planning.

Political Economy of Extractives Governance in Sierra Leone

januari, 2014

Sierra Leone is still recovering from a
brutal civil war (1991-2002), fuelled in part by a valuable
and easily extractable natural resource (diamonds). Sierra
Leone now stands on the verge of an unprecedented period of
economic growth, driven primarily by revenues from
large-scale iron ore mining. Yet it continues to face many
governance and developmental challenges. The rapid rise of
the extractives governance agenda in Sierra Leone requires

Harnessing Urbanization to End Poverty and Boost Prosperity in Africa

januari, 2014

Urbanization is the single most
important transformation that the African continent will
undergo this century. More than half of Africa's
population will live in its cities by 2040. In the face of
rapid urbanization, there is a narrow window of opportunity
to harness the potential of cities as engines of economic
growth, and use this as a powerful leverage to achieve
sustainable development and poverty reduction. Despite its

Opening Up the Markets for Seed Trade in Africa

januari, 2014

Despite its vast agriculture potential,
Africa is increasingly dependent on food imports from the
rest of the world to satisfy its consumption needs. Food
output has not kept pace with population growth, and more
than 80 percent of production gains since 1980 have come
from the expansion of cropped areas rather than from greater
productivity of areas already cultivated. This paper looks
at the current requirements for seed trade in Africa, the

Women and Trade in Africa : Realizing the Potential

januari, 2014

Regional trade in Africa can play a
vital role in diversifying economies and reducing dependence
on the export of a few mineral products, in delivering food
and energy security, in generating jobs for the increasing
numbers of young people, and in alleviating poverty and
promoting a shared prosperity. Women play a key role in
trade in Africa and will be essential to Africa's
success in exploiting its trade potential. In many countries

Competitive Small and Medium Enterprises : A Diagnostic to Help Design Smart SME Policy

januari, 2014

Small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) account for a lion's share of the enterprises in
most economies and are also thought to be an engine of new
growth and innovation. The focus of this paper is to take
the insights on SME mix and segments to practical
implications for developing countries around the world. The
paper attempts to do this by providing a diagnostic approach
that client countries and regions can use to assess their

Turning the Lights on Across Africa

januari, 2014

Africa is in the midst of a power
crisis. Despite abundant low-carbon, a low-cost energy
resource, Africa faces chronic energy shortages. The
region s power generation capacity is lower than that of any
other region in the world, and when compared with other
developing regions, its capacity growth has stagnated. The
power crisis is the result of several constraints that,
together, create a vicious cycle. Africa's electricity

Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of : Analysis of the Agricultural Support Programs

januari, 2014

The report is structured to allow
readers familiar with Macedonia s agriculture sector to
quickly grasp the essentials needed to improve the sector,
as well as to inform a general audience on how to address
the challenges of a modern European Union (EU)-aspiring
state. Chapter two provides an in-depth analysis of the
sectoral background, illustrating the main characteristics
and challenges of Macedonia s agriculture sector. The

Unlocking Africa's Agricultural Potential

januari, 2014

Transforming agriculture in Africa is
not simply about helping Africa; it is essential for
ensuring global food security. But Africa s agriculture is
also of critical importance when it comes to meeting the
world s future needs for food and fiber. With the global
population expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050, food
security producing enough food of sufficient quality and
making it accessible and affordable for consumers around the

Rail Transport : Framework for Improving Railway Sector Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa

januari, 2014

In most of the Sub-Saharan African (SSA)
countries railways have played, throughout history, a key
part in the economic development maintaining a dominant role
in transporting freight and passengers at low costs. During
the last 50 years, the road transport in the region as
throughout the world has expanded rapidly due to the
aggressive development of the automobile industry. African
governments have invested mainly in road infrastructure

Sustainable Energy for All 2013-2014 : Global Tracking Framework

januari, 2014

In declaring 2012 the international year
of sustainable energy for all, the United Nations (UN)
general assembly (2011) established at the personal
initiative of the UN secretary general- three global
objectives to be accomplished by 2030. Those goals are to
ensure universal access to modern energy services (including
electricity and clean, modern cooking solutions), to double
the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, and to