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Displaying 541 - 552 of 1254

Establishment and Management of Community Sanitary Complexes in Rural Areas : A Handbook

april, 2014

Indian remains one of the countries
wherein a lot of efforts are still required to eliminate the
practice of open defecation. In rural areas, open defecation
though reduced in scale continues to be a socially and
culturally accepted traditional behavior largely. Low
awareness of the potential health and economic benefits of
better sanitation and hygiene practices, perception of high
costs of having a toilet, the perceived convenience of open

The Agribusiness Innovation Center of Tanzania : Scaling Value-Adding, Post-Harvest Processing Agribusinesses

april, 2014

Tanzania has tremendous potential to
support a thriving agribusiness sector. Agriculture is
diverse and extensive, employing more than 80 percent of the
population, and contributing about 28 percent of Gross
Domestic Product, or GDP and 30 percent of export earnings.
A wide range of agricultural commodities are produced in
Tanzania, including fiber (sisal, cotton), beverages
(coffee, tea), sugar, grains (a diverse range of cereals and

Understanding the Emerging Role of Motorcycles in African Cities : A Political Economy Perspective

april, 2014

A decline in organized public transport
systems has led to rapid growth in non-conventional means of
public transport, initially provided by minibuses and shared
taxi/vans, and more recently by commercial motorcycles.
Unlike cities in South and East Asia, ownership and use of
motorized two-wheelers as a personalized vehicle is very
small in sub-Saharan cities. However, over the past decade
there has been a significant growth in the use of

The Dakar Bus Renewal Scheme : Before and After

april, 2014

The population of Senegal is about 12
million. Over 3 million people live in the Dakar
metropolitan region, which is growing at twice the pace of
the country as a whole (the population growth rate of Dakar
is about 3.6 percent per year compared with the national
rate of 2.2 percent per year). As in most cities in
developing countries, authorities have found it difficult to
meet the service demands of the growing population,

Water Supply and Sanitation in Ethiopia : Turning Finance into Services for 2015 and Beyond

april, 2014

The African Ministers' Council on
Water (AMCOW) commissioned the production of a second round
of Country Status Overviews (CSOs2) to better understands
what underpins progress in water supply and sanitation and
what its member governments can do to accelerate that
progress across countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). AMCOW
delegated this task to the World Bank's Water and
Sanitation Program and the African Development Bank (AfDB),

A Framework for a Pro-Growth, Pro-Poor Transport Strategy : Guidance Note

april, 2014

A pro-growth, pro-poor transport
strategy (PGPTS) responsive to the second generation poverty
reduction strategies (SGPRSs) and the millennium development
goals (MDGs) are essential instruments to promote transport
development that facilitates economic growth and poverty
reduction. However, the national poverty reduction and
transport strategy reviews, undertaken by Sub-Saharan Africa
Transport Policy Program (SSATP) member countries, and the

A Methodology for Rapid Assessment of Rural Transport Services

april, 2014

Rural transport services are often
inadequate. Passenger and goods transport needs improving to
stimulate rural economies and reduce poverty. Understanding
existing rural transport systems and constraining factors is
a precondition for appropriate policy action. The
Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP)
commissioned a study to develop and test a methodology for
the rapid assessment of rural transport systems. The

The Road from Emergency Employment towards Integrated Rural Access : Re-orientation of the Afghanistan National Emergency Employment Program to the Rural Access Program

april, 2014

This paper provides an institutional
record of the implementation experiences of all the four
World Bank-assisted National Emergency Employment Program
(NEEP)/National Rural Access Program (NRAP) projects and
evaluates the impact on community members of the improved
rural access that the projects have provided. It is based on
desk reviews of project documentation, supervision mission
notes, field visits to communities in rural areas, and

Striking a Better Balance : Volume 1. The World Bank Group and Extractive Industries

april, 2014

In July 2001, the extractive industries
review (EIR) was initiated with the appointment of Dr. Emil
Salim, former Minister of the Environment for Indonesia, as
eminent person to the review. The EIR was designed to engage
all stakeholders-governments, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), indigenous peoples' organizations, affected
communities and community-based organizations, labor unions,
industry, academia, international organizations, and the

Striking a Better Balance : Volume 4. Workshop and Project Visit Reports

april, 2014

In July 2001, the extractive industries
review (EIR) was initiated with the appointment of Dr. Emil
Salim, former Minister of the Environment for Indonesia, as
eminent person to the review. The EIR was designed to engage
all stakeholders-governments, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), indigenous peoples' organizations, affected
communities and community-based organizations, labor unions,
industry, academia, international organizations, and the

Striking a Better Balance : Volume 5. Final Workshop Report and Stakeholders Submissions or Comments

april, 2014

In July 2001, the extractive industries
review (EIR) was initiated with the appointment of Dr. Emil
Salim, former Minister of the Environment for Indonesia, as
eminent person to the review. The EIR was designed to engage
all stakeholders-governments, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), indigenous peoples' organizations, affected
communities and community-based organizations, labor unions,
industry, academia, international organizations, and the