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Striking a Better Balance : Volume 2. Stakeholder Inputs - Converging Issues and Diverging Views on the World Bank Group's Involvement in Extractive Industries

april, 2014

In July 2001, the extractive industries
review (EIR) was initiated with the appointment of Dr. Emil
Salim, former Minister of the Environment for Indonesia, as
eminent person to the review. The EIR was designed to engage
all stakeholders-governments, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), indigenous peoples' organizations, affected
communities and community-based organizations, labor unions,
industry, academia, international organizations, and the

Striking a Better Balance : Volume 3. Annexes

april, 2014

In July 2001, the extractive industries
review (EIR) was initiated with the appointment of Dr. Emil
Salim, former Minister of the Environment for Indonesia, as
eminent person to the review. The EIR was designed to engage
all stakeholders-governments, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), indigenous peoples' organizations, affected
communities and community-based organizations, labor unions,
industry, academia, international organizations, and the

Integrating Housing Wealth into the Social Safety Net : The Elderly in Moscow

april, 2014

The elderly in Russia have often been
among those least able to cope with all the changes that
have taken place during the transition. Unlike the situation
prior to reform-when pensions were stable-they now face
considerable uncertainty. If they have not been in poverty,
many have been close to it. While the elderly have
experienced difficulties, they have also been the
beneficiaries of a very large transfer of wealth. In Russia,

The Agribusiness Innovation Center of Mozambique : Developing Value Adding Market-led Post-harvest Processing Enterprises in Mozambique

Reports & Research
maart, 2014

Agriculture and fisheries are the main pillars of Mozambique's economy, having contributed in the last few years to more than 25 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and around 7 to 11 percentage points of the rate of economic growth. Agricultural development in Mozambique has been part of the government agenda because it is crucial to reducing poverty within rural zones.

Strengthening Community Understanding of Free, Prior and Informed Consent - A Trainer's Manual

Manuals & Guidelines
maart, 2014

This trainer’s manual aims to help strengthen and build the capacity of community activists, community based organisations and educators to support communities to understand Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).

The objectives are: • to enable communities to demand meaningful participation in natural resource management decision-making;

• to make sure that internal community decision-making processes include all members of the community;

• to ensure that projects only go ahead if the consent of the affected community is given.

The Implementation of Industrial Parks : Some Lessons Learned in India

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2014
Southern Asia

Industrial parks are as popular as they are controversial, in India and globally. At their best they align infrastructure provision and agglomeration economies to jolt industrial growth. More often, they generate negative spill-overs, provide handouts, sit empty, or simply do not get built. This paper disaggregates how parks are built and how they fail. It contextualizes parks in India, followed by a thick case study of an innovative scheme that appears to buck the trend. This performance is then explained by the way in which the scheme's design and action fit India's political economy.

Making Informed Investment Decisions in an Uncertain World : A Short Demonstration

maart, 2014

Governments invest billions of dollars
annually in long-term projects. Yet deep uncertainties pose
formidable challenges to making near-term decisions that
make long-term sense. Methods that identify robust decisions
have been recommended for investment lending but are not
widely used. This paper seeks to help bridge this gap and,
with a demonstration, motivate and equip analysts better to
manage uncertainty in investment decisions. The paper first

Agriculture for Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean : From Quantity to Quality

maart, 2014

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
region has been in many ways successful in increasing
agriculture production and competitiveness, as well as
tackling nutrition. Mainstreaming nutrition considerations
into agriculture operations can increase the availability of
and access to nutritious food, which can improve the
nutrition status of individuals. The challenge is how to
bridge the gap that exists in region between being an

Tunisia Agricultural Finance Study : Main Summary Report

maart, 2014

The Tunisia agricultural finance study
was carried out in response to a request made in December
2009 by the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) for
support for a study on the key constraints in agricultural
finance. Technical and financial support was specifically
requested for: (i) a comprehensive diagnostic analysis of
the current mechanisms and problems of financing of the
agricultural sector in Tunisia, including those by financial

Energy Access and Productive Uses for the Urban Poor : Final Report on Ghana Scoping Study

maart, 2014

The aim of the scoping study was to gain
an understanding of the productive activities slum dwellers
engage in that rely on energy services and the potentials
and challenges of slums in Ghana regarding access to modern
energy services and income generation from productive
activities. The objective of the ESMED-EAfUP (Energy Sector
Management Assistance Program - ESMAP/SME Development -
Energy Access for the Urban Poor) programme is 'to

Improving Energy Access to the Urban Poor in Developing Countries

Reports & Research
maart, 2014

The case studies documented in this
report aim to inform the energy access community (including
practitioners, civil society groups, project planners, end
users) about best practices of successful energy access
initiatives targeted at slum dwellers. Eight case studies
focusing on electrification and household energy were
selected from India, Bangladesh, Colombia and Brazil, all
countries that have had varying success in providing access