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Displaying 961 - 972 of 1254

Tools for Institutional, Political, and Social Analysis of Policy Reform : A Sourcebook for Development Practitioners

mei, 2012

This Sourcebook deals with social
analysis in policy reform, encompassing the transition from
gaining a better understanding of the distributional impacts
of proposed or continuing reform to influencing a more
informed and locally embedded process of policy review and
design. In a generic sense, the term "social
analysis" encompasses institutional, political, and
social analyses. These three overlapping areas, derived from

More Than a Pretty Picture : Using Poverty Maps to Design Better Policies and Interventions

mei, 2012

This publication offers crucial lessons
for policy makers and development experts who may be
considering using small area poverty maps as tools of
economic development and helps add to our array of tools for
dealing with the political economy issues of poverty. It
represents a major contribution to a little understood
aspect of the well-known adage "location, location,
location," demonstrating that the conceptualization of

The Development Potential of Regional Programs : An Evaluation of World Bank Support of Multicountry Operations

mei, 2012

This evaluation examines the track
record of the regional development programs that the World
Bank has supported over the past 10 years. While these are
relatively few in number, together they offer valuable
lessons for how such programs can be designed and
implemented to deliver good outcomes. This evaluation, which
assesses World Bank support for regional development
programs over fiscal years 1995-2005, finds that a majority

Putting Tanzania's Hidden Economy to Work : Reform, Management, and Protection of its Natural Resource Sector

mei, 2012

This paper tells a story about
conditions in Tanzania's hidden economy, the parts of
the natural resource sector often ignored in conventional
economic analyses and studies, and makes recommendations for
future policy actions. The paper draws primarily from
extensive background studies undertaken of the forestry,
fishery, wildlife, mining, and tourism sub sectors (COWI
2005) as well as a wide range of complementary studies

The Value of Cultural Theory for Participatory Processes in Natural Resource Management

Reports & Research
april, 2012
South-Eastern Asia

While participation is seen as an important part of sustainable natural resource management, it is not always successful – a number of studies to date indicate conflicting values and power inequalities can significantly undermine participatory processes. A new paper in the Journal of Forest Policy and Economics examines another source of conflict: differing views of reality and underlying cultural biases.

Institutional Approaches to Electrification

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
april, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

Energy poverty is a global problem: access to energy services is crucial to meet basic household needs, deliver and access public services, and generate income. Less than 10 percent of Sub-Saharan (SSA) rural households have access to electricity, with an overall access rate below 25 percent. One of the main obstacles for SSA electrification practitioners is the difficulty in obtaining practical and timely knowledge on how to overcome economic, technical, institutional, and political barriers to electrification in their day-to-day work.

Community Engagement Fundamentals

Training Resources & Tools
april, 2012

Pamphlet drawn from the (above) Handbook. Practical tips and step-by-step instructions can help companies to successfully negotiate lease agreements with landowning communities. They can help communities prepare for the changes that come with high impact projects and more effectively harness their benefits and also provide the government with a tool that can be used to promote responsible investment.

Handbook of Community Engagement. A ‘good practice’ guide to negotiating lease agreements with landowning communities in South Sudan

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2012
South Sudan

Includes setting the scene in South Sudan, key concepts and guiding principles, pre-investment planning, community consultation, participatory impact assessments, participatory monitoring, grievance mechanisms, community financial management, sample of community protocol.

Putting Free, Prior, and Informed Consent into Practice in REDD+ Initiatives

Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2012
South-Eastern Asia

The principle that indigenous peoples and local communities have a right to give or withhold their Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) to developments affecting natural resources is not new. However, experience using FPIC in REDD+ implementation is still limited in the Asia-Pacific region, and there are few materials that explain and train practitioners in its concepts and practice. There is still subjective understanding of the terms and requirements of FPIC, influenced by both cultural interpretations and interests. 

After Accra

maart, 2012

What is needed to deliver on the AAA, and what the international donors and the World Bank Group need to do.

Assessment of the Viability of PPPs and Sub-national Lending in Ghana

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2012

In 2011 the Ghanaian government issued a policy establishing Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) for the purpose of implementing infrastructure projects and improving the capacity of services provision. A World Bank Mission visited Ghana early in 2012 to assess the legal and practical feasibility of participation in PPPs at the sub-national level of the Government and the possibility that private commercial banks can provide non-sovereign financing to such PPPs.

Water Security for Central Kosovo

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2012
Central Asia

Kosovo is a small and young state that gained an interim United Nations (UN)-administered status in the wake of the Dayton peace accord only in 1999; it declared independence in 2008. Compared to neighboring countries, it is still lacking in its basic infrastructure and its administrative and technical skills. In addition, with the onset of the War in Yugoslavia in 1992 most investment and normal maintenance came to a standstill.