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Displaying 985 - 996 of 1254

Towards a Vision for Agricultural Innovation in Chile in 2030

maart, 2012

This paper aims to develop a vision
statement for the agricultural sector that may then guide
the future investments in Chile's agricultural
innovation system, A joint and shared perspective on how the
sector might look and what role agricultural innovation
should play in getting there is a prerequisite for any
effective strategy. But developing such a vision is not only
a function of what the country wants: it also depends on the

Overview of the Current Situation on Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment in China

maart, 2012

The purpose of this report is to provide
an overview of the current situation of brownfield
management in China for World Bank staff and relevant
government officials in order to help raise awareness of
land contamination and help develop remediation activities.
After the introductory section, section two explores the
environmental and development pressures of land. Section
three reviews government plans, targets and actions. Section

Growth and Productivity in Agriculture
and Agribusiness : Evaluative Lessons from World Bank
Group Experience

maart, 2012

The World Bank Group has a unique
opportunity to match the increases in financing for
agriculture with a sharper focus on improving agricultural
growth and productivity in agriculture-based economies,
notably in Sub-Saharan Africa. Greater effort will be needed
to connect sectoral interventions and achieve synergies from
public and private sector interventions; to build capacity
and knowledge exchange; to take stock of experience in

Local and Community Driven
Development : Moving to Scale in Theory and Practice

maart, 2012

Services are failing poor urban and
rural people in the developing world, and poverty remains
concentrated in rural areas and urban slums. This state of
affairs prevails despite prolonged efforts by many
governments to improve rural and urban services and
development programs. This book focuses on how communities
and local governments can be empowered to contribute to
their own development and, in the process, improve

Thailand Environment Monitor : Integrated Water Resources Management - A Way Forward

maart, 2012

Water is everyone's business.
Beside a necessity for living, water has implications on
public health and, most importantly, can cause social
conflicts. This is because water is limited, is difficult to
control, and can easily be polluted. The Integrated Water
Resource Management (IWRM) process is considered worldwide
as a means to reduce social conflicts from competing water
needs as well as to facilitate effective and sustainable

Serbia - Country Economic Memorandum : The Road to Prosperity - Productivity and Exports, Volume 1. Overview

maart, 2012

This report looks beyond the current
global financial crisis to the restoration of dynamic
long-run growth in Serbia. The answer in this report is that
Serbia will need to fundamentally alter its growth model to
compete effectively in world markets. The past model relying
on excessive inflows of capital and credit that, in part,
fuelled a consumption boom has run its course in all
European countries. Serbia must shift to a greater export

Enabling Reforms : A Stakeholder-Based Analysis of the Political Economy of Tanzania’s Charcoal Sector and the Poverty and Social Impacts of Proposed Reforms

maart, 2012

Although charcoal is the single most
important energy source for millions of urban dwellers in
Tanzania, being used by all tiers of society from laborers
to politicians, it seems to be politically neglected and
even unwanted, given that it is not considered as a possible
mean to achieve long-term sustainable development, for
example as a low-carbon growth option contributing to energy
security, sustainable forest management, and poverty

Nigeria - Employment and Growth Study

maart, 2012

Since 1999, Nigeria has made significant
progress in economic reform. Sound macroeconomic policies,
combined with structural reforms aimed at increasing the
supply responsiveness of the economy, ushered in sustained
high growth, driven by the non-oil economy. The goal of this
book is to shed light on the extent to which Nigeria's
much improved economic performance has impacted the labor
market, and to develop a growth strategy that could enhance

Green growth, technology and innovation

maart, 2012

The paper explores existing patterns of
green innovation and presents an overview of green
innovation policies for developing countries. The key
findings from the empirical analysis are: (1) frontier green
innovations are concentrated in high-income countries, few
in developing countries but growing; (2) the most
technologically-sophisticated developing countries are
emerging as significant innovators but limited to a few

Political Economy Studies : Are They Actionable? Some Lessons from Zambia

maart, 2012

In recent years, the number of studies
looking at the effect of politics on economic outcomes has
flourished. For developing economies, these studies are
useful to better understand why long overdue reforms are not
implemented. The studies analyze the overall context within
which reforms are being implemented and the underlying
incentive framework. However, it seems difficult to make
such studies actionable, especially in sectors where donors

Maize revolutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

maart, 2012

There have been numerous episodes of
widespread adoption of improved seed and long-term
achievements in the development of the maize seed industry
in Sub-Saharan Africa. This summary takes a circumspect view
of technical change in maize production. Adoption of
improved seed has continued to rise gradually, now
representing an estimated 44 percent of maize area in
Eastern and Southern Africa (outside South Africa), and 60

Republic of Burundi - Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) :
The Challenge of Achieving Stable and Shared Growth

maart, 2012

This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM)
is the first for Burundi since the 1980s. It has been
developed in collaboration with the government of Burundi.
The CEM has been prepared in cooperation with the African
development bank and the U.K. department for international
development. Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the
world, and has suffered from many years of civil conflict
and its consequences. In the last years, peace has been