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Order No. 1338 on regulations of the Farms Act.

Northern Europe

This Order establishes additional provisions related to the Farms Act. A farm/land property can be registered as such and notification thereof shall be submitted to the Survey and Cadastre Authorities to ensure proper residency status. When establishing a new farm, or purchasing additional land, a 10-year residence proof is required by the purchaser within 6 months from the date the Survey and Cadastre Authorities have registered the cadastral changes. Provisions also include companies in other EU countries or countries that have signed the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).

Commission Implementing Decision 2013/163/EU establishing the best available techniques (BAT) conclusions under Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions for the production of cement, lime and magnesium ...

Eastern Europe
Northern Europe

These provisions are adopted in implementation of Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control). They establish the best available techniques (BAT) conclusions for the production of cement, lime and magnesium oxide.

Implements: Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control). (2010-11-24)

European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations 2006 (S.I. No. 378 of 2006).

Northern Europe

These Regulations make provision for public support for good agricultural practice to protect waters against pollution from agricultural sources. The aim of the Regulations is to reduce pollution of the environment and especially groundwater and surface water resources by more ecologically sound agricultural practice.

Act on Contaminated Soil (No. 895 of 2015).

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Act is to prevent, reduce and eliminate land pollution and avoid adverse effects from soil contamination through technical inspection projects. Chapter 4b relates to the clearing of soil and groundwater significant pollution caused by certain activities which will assess their environmental state and submit to the Environment and Food Ministry. A report on necessary steps and measures to be taken for the elimination of such pollution shall be issued by the environmental authorities.

Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 (S.R. No. 6 of 2005).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations make provision in Northern Ireland for the administration and enforcement of compliance of farmers with a range of laws and standards regarding "good agricultural and environmental condition". The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, as the competent national authority, shall be responsible for providing farmers with a list of the statutory management requirements and standards of good agricultural and environmental condition on their land.

Ley Nº 29.376 - Suspende la aplicación de los Decretos Legislativos Nº 1.090, Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre y Nº 1.064, Régimen jurídico para el aprovechamiento de las tierras de uso agrario.

South America

La presente Ley suspende la aplicación del Decreto Legislativo Nº 1090, Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre y del Decreto Legislativo Nº 1064, Régimen jurídico para el aprovechamiento de las tierras de uso agrario; restituye el texto de la Ley Nº 27308, Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre y de la Ley Nº 26505, Ley de la inversión privada en el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en las tierras del territorio nacional y de las comunidades campesinas y nativas; y restituye parcialmente la vigencia del Decreto Legislativo Nº 653, Ley de promoción de las inversiones en el sector agrario.

Order No. 764 on environmental impact assessment (EIA) of certain public and private constructions under the Planning Act.

Northern Europe

The Order sets rules on construction works or other installations and interventions on the environment which are listed under Appendices 1-2, and also applies to the extraction of mineral resources. The purpose of the Order is to implement environmental impact assessments (EIA) through the Danish Nature Agency and Environmental Protection Agency.

Acte additionnel n° 03/2004 du 10 janvier 2004 portant adoption de la Politique d'Aménagement du Territoire Communautaire de l'UEMOA.

International Conventions or Treaties

Le présent Acte additionnel adopte la Politique d'Aménagement du Territoire Communautaire de l'UEMOA vise, entre autres, à promouvoir l’aménagement du territoire communautaire dans les politiques publiques des Etats membres.A cet effet, l’UEMOA compte à encourager les Etats dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de politiques nationales cohérentes et convergentes d’aménagement du territoire dans une vision communautaire, notamment le renforcement des capacités techniques et institutionnelles; l’adoption des normes communautaires de gestion des ressources partagées ; l’organisation des renco

Decreto Nº 2 - Norma ambiental de calidad de suelos para diversos usos.

Central America

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer la Norma ambiental de calidad de suelos para diversos usos, a fin de proteger la salud humana y los ecosistemas, definir los niveles genéricos de referencia y los límites máximos permisibles de contaminantes químicos en el suelo, establecer los métodos a utilizar en los análisis químicos y microbiológicos y especificar los contenidos de informes preliminares de situación, de caracterización y de remediación de suelos.

Decreto Nº 1.069 - Cálculo del índice de ocupación en las áreas de desarrollo en suelo rural.

South America

El presente Decreto establece las condiciones para el cálculo del índice de ocupación en las áreas de desarrollo restringido en suelo rural, que se calculará sobre el área resultante de descontar del área bruta del predio las áreas para la localización de la infraestructura para el sistema vial principal y de transporte, las redes primarias de servicios públicos, las áreas de conservación y protección de los recursos naturales y paisajísticos y demás afectaciones del predio.

Decree No. 64/2010/ND-CP on management of urban green trees.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decree provides for the management and development of green trees in urban centres to create sceneries, environmental protection and biodiversity.The Decree sets forth requirements, objectives and contents of urban planning and urban development.The Decree further addresses: general provisions on the planting, tending, nursing, protection, felling and removal or green trees; responsibilities of ministries, provincial-level People’s Committees and district-level People’s Committees on the management of urban green trees; etc.