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Legislation & Policies
maart, 1893

INDIA Act IV, 1893 9th March, 1893....."...Whenever in any suit for partition in which, if instituted prior to the commencement of this
Act, a decree for partition might have been made, it appears to the Court that, by reason of the
nature of the property to which the suit relates, or of the number of the shareholders therein or of
any other special circumstance, a division of the property cannot reasonably or conveniently be
made, and that a sale of the property and distribution of the proceeds would be more beneficial

Land and Revenue Act (1879)

Legislation & Policies
januari, 1879

INDIA Act II 1876..... "WHEREAS it is expedient to declare the law relating to the acquisition by private
persons of rights in land in the Union of Burma ;
And whereas it is expedient also to consolidate and' amend the law relating to the
assessment and collection of land-revenue, capitation-tax and certain other taxes ;
It is hereby enacted as follows :--...


Legislation & Policies
februari, 1874

INDIA Act III, 1874....."Whereas it is expedient to make such provision as hereinafter appears for the enjoyment of
wages and earnings by women married before the first day of January, 1866, and for insurances
on lives by persons married before or after that day:
And whereas by the Indian Succession Act, 1865, section 4,1 it is enacted that no person shall by
marriage acquire any interest in the property of the person whom he or she marries, nor become
incapable of doing any act in respect of his or her own property, which he or she could have


Legislation & Policies
juli, 1856

INDIA Act XV, 1856....."Whereas it is known that by the law as administered in the civil Courts, Hindu widows with
certain exceptions are held to be, by reason of their having been once married, incapable of
contracting a second valid marriage, and the offspring of such widows by any second marriage
are held to be illegitimate and incapable of inheriting property;...


Legislation & Policies
april, 1850

INDIA ACT XXI, 1850....."Whereas it is enacted by section 9, Regulation VII, 1832, of the Bengal Code, that “whenever in
any civil suit the parties to such suit may be of different persuasions, when one party shall be of
the Hindu and the other of the Muhammadan persuasion, or where one of more parties to the suit
shall not be either of the Muhammadan or Hindu persuasions, the laws of those religions shall
not be permitted to operate to deprive such party or parties of any property to which, but for the

Land rights in Cote d'Ivoire : survey and prospects for project intervention

How secure are the rights to rural land in Cote d'Ivoire and what are the implications of tenure security for land use management? This is the central question posed by this study which draws on the results of a rapid survey of 250 household heads and findings in the rich anthropological literature. The study concludes that traditional village authorities continue to influence how land is allocated among households and that there are few instances of private land rights.