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Research on land markets in South Asia : what have we learned?

The authors review the literature on land markets in South Asia to clarify what's known and to highlight unresolved issues. They report that: (1) We have a good understanding of why sharecropping persists and why it can be superior to other standard agricultural contracts. We have less understanding of what determines the relative efficiency of sharecropping in different environments and why other apparently superior contractual relationships are rare.


Legislation & Policies
Policy Papers & Briefs

The purpose of this paper is to outline guidelines to be considered by EU donors in the design of their support for interventions in land policy and administration in developing countries. The focus in these Guidelines is on rural land, however much of the discussion will be of considerable relevance to urban areas and can contribute to a national land policy. The document oriented towards generalist and specialist staff, both at field and headquarters with responsibilities directly or indirectly connected with land issues in rural areas.

PUSHBACK: Local Power, Global Realignment

Reports & Research

If 2009 was the end of the hinterland and the beginning of a new globalized forest era, 2010 was a year of pushback. Worldwide, the news was full of reports of forest communities and Indigenous Peoples pushing back at land grabs and shaping policy at the national and global levels, and of governments countering and trying to contain community rights. Some governments and private investors accepted or even embraced the new players at the table and began to promote fairer business and conservation models.

IDEAS IN ACTION For Land Rights Advocacy


This publication is an assortment of articles on various advocacy themes that may be of practical interest to those engaged in
enhancing the poor’s access to land. Many of the articles are fruits of the ToT – lectures, papers submitted, and discussions.
But other articles were culled beyond the regional training as a supplement.

Issue Brief 4: China’s Loans and ODA and the Effects on Access to Land in the Philippines

Policy Papers & Briefs

This issue brief thus aims to:
• Contribute to enriching regional and national perspectives in
tackling China’s role in influencing policies and institutions of
other developing countries that are related to access to land and
tenurial security;
• Set a framework that will guide the research, the policy analysis,
and the advocacy relating to a developing country’s economic
partnership with China and its link to access-to-land issues;
• Provide an example of how country case studies vis-à-vis relations
with China can be developed.

Issue Brief 3: IGO Strategies and Programs for Access to Land and Natural Resources in Asia

Policy Papers & Briefs

This paper discusses the country strategies and program frameworks
of three intergovernmental agencies, the European Com
mission (EC), the International Fund for Agricultural Development
(IFAD) and the World Bank (WB), as related to land access and
rural development in Asia. It focuses on six countries: Bangladesh,
Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal and the Philippines.