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Experiences with Transferring Forest Rights in Cameroon

januari, 2012

In 2011, forests covered 59 percent of Cameroon (WRI, 2012). A majority of Cameroonians rely on forest products, such as wood fuel, bushmeat and various other non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Forests also provide critical ecosystem services and perform important cultural functions. Most rural populations that use and manage forests, however, do not legally control them.

International Declaration Of Peasants' Rights approved by the Advisory Committee on Human Rights of the United Nations

UN Resolutions
december, 2011
For the full text of the document "Final study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the advancement of the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas" please visit the UN Human Rights Council website ( English |

Gender evaluation criteria for large-scale land tools: How can we judge if a land tool is responsive to both women and men’s needs?

Training Resources & Tools
december, 2011

This Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC) matrix has been extracted from the GLTN publication entitled Designing and Evaluating Land Tools with a Gender Perspective: A Training Package for Land Professionals

Language: English, Spanish, French, Arabic

Recursos naturales y medio ambiente boletín informativo

Reports & Research
november, 2011

Este mes nos es grato invitarles a participar en una consulta electrónica sobre las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza Responsable en la Tenencia de la Tierra y Otros Recursos Naturales. Tras un prolongado proceso de consultas regionales, y antes de acometer la redacción del borrador cero, se están solicitando ahora materiales adicionales para la elaboración de estas directrices.

Natural Resources Management and Environment Newsletter

Reports & Research
november, 2011

This month, we invite you to participate in the e-consultation on Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources. Following a lengthy regional consultation process, additional input is being requested prior to the drafting of the Zero Draft Guidelines. FAO Headquarters marked World Water Day 2011, examining the urgent need for safe water supplies for the world’s rapidly growing urban populations.

Land is Life, Land is Power”: Landlessness, Exclusion, and Deprivation in Nepal

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2011

This Report presents the findings of this research effort. A comprehensive consideration of the many aspects of land ownership in Nepal, including the related issues of agricultural development, the impact of nonstate actors in newly-formed special economic zones, and the claims of landlords returning to land seized during the Maoist conflict is beyond the scope of this project. The Report and study focused on documenting the impact that inadequate access to land has on the human rights of landless people, including rights to housing, food, water, work, and access to justice.

Flux migratoires internationaux: principales données et tendances

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2011

La migration est un phénomène d’une ampleur considérable. La proportion de migrants dans la population des pays industrialisés a doublé au cours des trois dernières décennies et la somme des envois de fonds dans les pays en développement est supérieure à celle des investissements étrangers ou de l’aide internationale. Dans de nombreux pays en développement, le pourcentage de la population travaillant à l’étranger et le pourcentage du produit intérieur brut (PIB) représenté par les envois de fonds sont à deux chiffres.

Dynamique démographique et développement rural au Burkina Faso: Des progrès grâce à la crise?

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2011
Burkina Faso

Peu de pays sont plus caractérisés par la migration et ses répercussions que le Burkina Faso. Au cours des 40 années qui ont suivi l’indépendance, la moitié de la population a fait l’expérience de la migration, qu’il s’agisse de migration transfrontalière de main-d’œuvre (essentiellement vers la Côte d’Ivoire) ou d’une réinstallation permanente dans le pays même (d’une zone rurale à une autre).

The Brazilian agrarian issue requires solution in the XXI century

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2011
América do Sul
In this beginning of century, Brazil has, on one hand, a high economic growth, strong institutions in various areas and improvement of social situation, but, on the other hand, the rural and urban land situation is still very precarious, with elementary issues that are not resolved and that most developed countries solved them still in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

The Right to Land Restitution as Inspiration for Mobilisation

Conference Papers & Reports
januari, 2011
South Africa

This chapter is an initial exploration and sharing of experiences and ideas based largely on a case study of a group of small farmers who have occupied and are producing on land that they believe they have an historical right to. The group, called Mahlahluvani – although they include people from other communities and claimant groups – are part of a land claim that has been lodged on the land they now occupy, but the claim is not yet settled.