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Is Private Investment in Agriculture the Solution? An Evaluation of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Senegal

Reports & Research
april, 2017

Launched on 18 May 2012, the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (NAFSN) is a G8 (now G7) initiative spearheaded by former US President Barack Obama. The New Alliance aims to increase private investment in African agriculture as a means to “achieve sustained and inclusive agricultural growth and raise 50 million people out of poverty over the next 10 years.” In total, 10 African countries have signed on to the NAFSN.

L’urbanisation, facteur de développement ou d’exclusion de l’agriculture familiale en périphérie des villes : le cas de la ville de Meknès, Maroc

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2017

Des facteurs variés tels que les politiques publiques en faveur du relogement des populations démunies, la promotion de la privatisation des droits fonciers agricoles, ainsi que plus généralement la croissance économique ont favorisé l’étalement urbain dans les principales villes du Maghreb dont Meknès au Maroc. Cette urbanisation s’intensifie au détriment des terres à fort potentiel agronomique malgré les lois pour la préservation des terres agricoles. À Meknès, les agriculteurs familiaux situés en périphérie urbaine ont fourni la grande majorité du foncier constructible.

USAID Report on Land Tenure & Cocoa Production in Ghana

Reports & Research
maart, 2017

The Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG), with support from the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), performed the Ghana Land Tenure Baseline Survey, the first of its kind survey of tenure rights among cocoa farmers in Ghana. CRIG surveyed almost 1,800 cocoa farmers operating 3,900 cocoa plots regarding various land tenure issues within customary sharecropping arrangements and on owner-managed land. This report describes the findings from the Survey.

Género e relações de poder na região sul de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2017

Nos últimos anos os estudos sobre relações de género têm gerado muitos debates, principalmente quando o tema está associado ao meio rural, onde os processos de mudança e de aceitação de transformações de atitudes e comportamentos estão relacionados com a iliteracia, os costumes, tabus, bem como com a divisão social do trabalho configurados por relações de poder marcadas por desigualdades.

SDG Indicator 2.4.1: Percentage of Agricultural Area under Productive and Sustainable Agriculture

Conference Papers & Reports
maart, 2017

There has been considerable discussion over the past thirty years on how to define “sustainable agriculture.” During most of this period, sustainability was exclusively considered an environmental issue and was therefore measured as such. The 2030 Agenda requires that all sectors, including agriculture, be considered from the point of view of the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.


Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2017
Southern Africa

This learning brief suggests that one of the factors limiting the ability of the country to make good on its constitutional obligations relating to land reform is that we, as a country, have a missing middle – smallholder plots – when it comes to land reform.

The Australian experience in using tenders for conservation

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2017

Over the past 15 years Australia has been trialling conservation tenders and other market based instrument approaches to generate environmental outcomes, particularly on private lands. The best known of these is the BushTender auction for vegetation protection in Victoria, begun in the early 2000s. Subsequently, nearly 100 other tenders for biodiversity protection have been run in Australia with substantial variations in application and methodology generated by a mix of both intended design and case study differences.

Social Policy and Empowerment of Women in the Agricultural Sector in Uzbekistan

Conference Papers & Reports
maart, 2017

In 2016, Uzbekistan celebrated twenty-five years of independence. Although government prioritized investment in agriculture sector, the social policy emphasized strongly institutional and organizational changes. As a result, women are mostly excluded from reforms’ benefits. This paper provides a critical literature review that addresses how international gender measurement indicators and methodologies help in understanding women’s empowerment and opportunities in the agriculture sector of post-Soviet Uzbekistan.

Late Neolithic Agriculture in Temperate Europe—A Long-Term Experimental Approach

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2017

Long-term slash-and-burn experiments, when compared with intensive tillage without manuring, resulted in a huge data set relating to potential crop yields, depending on soil quality, crop type, and agricultural measures. Cultivation without manuring or fallow phases did not produce satisfying yields, and mono-season cropping on freshly cleared and burned plots resulted in rather high yields, comparable to those produced during modern industrial agriculture - at least ten-fold the ones estimated for the medieval period.