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Exploring future changes in land use and land condition and the impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity: Scenarios for the UNCCD Global Land Outlook

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017

The pressure on land is growing in many regions of the world, due to the increasing demand for arable crops, meat and dairy products, bio-energy and timber, and is exacerbated by land degradation and climate change. This policy report provides scenario projections for the UNCCD Global Land Outlook, exploring future changes to the use and condition of land and the resulting impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity.

Global Land Outlook

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017

Land is an essential building block of civilization yet its contribution to our quality of life is perceived and valued in starkly different and often incompatible ways. Conflicts about land use are intensifying in many countries. The world has reached a point where we must reconcile these differences and rethink the way in which we use and manage the land.

Sustainable Land Management for Climate and People. Science-Policy Brief 03

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017
United States of America

Land provides crucial ecosystem services for human existence and human well-being, including provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural services. Those services provide among others the production of fresh air, food, feed, fuel and fibre. They regulate the risks of natural hazards and climate change, offer cultural and spiritual values to our society, and support key ecological functions such as nutrient and water cycling, filtering and buffering, and are central to economic vitality.

Agricultural Chilena

Reports & Research
november, 2017

Esta publicación recoge reflexiones sobre los componentes económicos del sector agrícola en Chile, mecanismos para mejorar la transparencia de los mercados, el componente laboral, la actividad forestal, la pequeña agricultura, la agroenergía, el sector forestal y la dimensión territorial y ambiental en que se enmarca este sector productivo. Se incluye aquí también una síntesis de variables relevantes recogidas en cada región del país, en las que se identifican brechas prioritarias que se deben enfrentar en cada una de ellas.

Gender, agriculture and rural development in Armenia

Reports & Research
november, 2017

Gender equality is key to eliminating poverty and hunger, and this has been demonstrated by FAO throughout its research across the world. FAO is committed to interventions that seek to reduce gender inequalities and this report has been produced as part of its eff orts to generate evidence and knowledge in compliance with FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality (FAO, 2013a). It is only through closing the gender gap that strategies on sustainable agriculture and rural development can reach their full potential.

Política Agraria y Desarrollo Rural en Cuba, el Sector Público de la Agricultura

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Cuba, isla del Caribe que cuenta con una superficie total de 10.988,6 miles de hectáreas, siendo agrícola 6.619,5 fue objeto de grandes transformaciones en el agro a partir de 1959.

Una visión de nuestro contexto nacional y regional, en las que influyen cuestiones tan medulares como el crecimiento económico, la población y el territorio, la mejoría de sus condiciones en cuanto al medio ambiente y la calidad de vida de sus habitantes; obliga a los gobiernos a lograr un equilibrio territorial, funcional y económico, en el ámbito de todo el sistema del país.

La cuestión agraria cubana aciertos y desaciertos en el período de 1975-2013: la necesidad de una tercera reforma agraria

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

El presente trabajo estudia las principales transformaciones introducidas en la economía cubana en el periodo de 1975 a 2013, con un énfasis particular en la Tercera Reforma Agraria puesta en vigor a partir de 1993, la cual significó el tránsito hacia un nuevo modelo agrario cuyo objetivo principal sería resolver el problema de la soberanía alimenticia. Con esta nueva reforma agraria se reconfigura una vez más la forma de tenencia de la tierra en Cuba, estando actual- mente el 54% (de las tierras) en manos del Estado y el 46% restante es propiedad no estatal.

Presidential Resolution No. PP-3405 “On State program for the development of irrigation and improvement of the ameliorative state of irrigated land for the period of 2018-2019”.

november, 2017

The President, in order to create favorable conditions for further sustainable agricultural development, unconditional provision of timely and high-quality implementation of a set of measures for the development of irrigation, improvement of reclamation state of irrigated lands and rational use of water and land resources, decrees to approve elaborated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre jointly with

Responsible Large-Scale Agricultural Investments in the Mekong Region

Reports & Research
oktober, 2017
South-Eastern Asia

The Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) project, MLIKE (Mekong Land Information and Knowledge Exchange),  and the Land Portal co-facilitated an online dialogue on “Responsible Large Scale Agricultural Investments in the Mekong Region” on 09-27 October 2017. The full dialogue can be read here. This report delineates the key messages emerging from the dialogue.

A legislação sobre o acesso aos recursos naturais em Moçambique: o impacto das novas leis e das consultas comunitárias sobre o bem-estar a nível local

Reports & Research
september, 2017

Este relatório considera um dos aspectos práticos mais importantes da participação
local na Lei de Terras e outra legislação sobre recursos naturais: a consulta
comunitária, através da qual os estranhos – o Estado, novos investidores, empresas
madeireiras, grupos de hotéis – obtêm acesso à terra e recursos locais com a