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Linking processes and pattern of land use change

Reports & Research
juni, 2006

Land use change results from the interaction between the human and the natural system and therefore various scientific disciplines have developed paradigms and methods to study land use change. However, these disciplinary approaches can only cover part of the complex system of land use change. The objective of this dissertation is to develop interdisciplinary methodologies to identify and integrate factors that are important in the land use system to describe and model the land use system in a comprehensive manner.

Mercados de Terras no Brasil Estrutra e Dinâmica

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2006

O tema do mercado de terras integra a agenda contemporânea das políticas agrárias, tanto no Brasil como em outros países. No caso brasileiro, decorre da história de ocupação do território e da própria formação social e econômica que produziram um quadro de ilegalidade, de instabilidade jurídica e de fragilidade institucional. A expansão da fronteira agrícola com base no agronegócio patronal, em especial na cultura da soja na região da Amazônia Legal, combinada com as ações de reforma agrária, ampliam a importância deste tema e seus impactos sobre a economia e a sociedade.

Application of Natural Resources Indicators to Agricultural Land Management in Slovenia

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2006

The group of indicators to establish the impact of land management measures on natural resources in the agricultural landscapes in Slovenia is discussed and identifi ed. Each chosen natural resource indicator is defi ned regarding indicator status, quality parameters of an indicator and indicator costs. The indicators are divided into two subgroups: abiotic indicators and biodiversity indicators, whereby biodiversity indicators are threatened on tree levels: genetic, species and ecosystem level.

Agricultural Sector Development Program (ASDP)

National Policies
februari, 2006

In August 2001, The Government of Tanzania (GoT) approved the Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS) which envisages an agricultural sector that, by 2025, is modernized, commercial, highly productive and profitable, and utilizes natural resources in a sustainable manner. The ASDS has identified five strategic issues:

• Strengthening the institutional framework.

• Creating a favorable environment for commercial activities.

• Clarifying public and private sector roles in improving support services.

WTO Kills Farmers: Beyond the Hong Kong Ministerial

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2006
Antigua and Barbuda
Côte d'Ivoire
Dominican Republic
Republic of Korea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago

The World Trade Organization (WTO) hailed the recent Hong Kong Sixth Ministerial Meeting last December 2005 as a positive movement towards the conclusion of the Doha Development Round. The round was supposedly geared towards ensuring that trade contributes to the development objectives of least developed and developing countries.

The Effects of Intrahousehold Property Ownership on Expenditure Patterns in Ghana

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2006

Increasingly, economists are examining how the dynamics within households affect the outcomes of household decisions. This paper uses data from the 1991/92 and the 1998/99 Ghana Living Standards Surveys to examine how the share of assets owned by women in Ghanaian households affects household expenditure patterns. In this analysis, assets include business assets, savings, and farmland. The results indicate that women’s share of assets do have an impact on household budget shares for a number of expenditure categories in each time period.

SURVIVING IN SHADOW: Widespread Militarization and the Systematic Use of Forced Labour in the Campaign for Control of Thaton District

Reports & Research
januari, 2006

This report examines the situation faced by Karen villagers in Thaton District (known as Doo Tha Htoo in Karen). The district lies in what is officially the northern part of Mon State and also encompasses part of Karen State to the west of the Salween River . Successive Burmese regimes have had strong control over the parts of the district to the west of the Rangoon-Martaban road for many years. They were also able to gain 'defacto' control over the eastern part of the district following the fall of the former Karen National Union (KNU) stronghold at Manerplaw in 1995.

Initiatives On Pro-Small Farmer Trade

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2005
South-Eastern Asia


  • The Seikatsu Club Consumers Cooperative: A Unique Producer-Consumer Relationship in Japan
  • PDAP’s Push for Organic Rice: Enhancing the Survival of Filipino Rice Farmers in a Liberalized Economic
  • Setting Green Net: A Trailblazer in Organic Marketing in Southeast Asia
  • The Fair Trade System: Focus on the Oxfam-GB Model
  • Emergency or Expediency?: A Study of Emergency Rice Reserve Schemes in Asia 

Politique National de Développement Durable de l’Agriculture Irriguée. Stratégie, Plan d’Action, Plan d’Investissement à l’horizon 2015.

National Policies
december, 2005
Burkina Faso

Ce document a pour objet la Stratégie, le Plan d’Action et Plan d’Investissement à l’horizon 2015, dans le cadre de la Politique National de Développement Durable de l’Agriculture Irriguée.