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Halving hunger: it can be done

Reports & Research
november, 2005

Halving Hunger examines current world progress towards eliminating hunger, and calls for the implementation of seven recommendations in the areas of: political action, national policy reforms, increased agricultural productivity for food insecure farmers, improved nutrition for the chronically hungry, productive safety nets for the acutely hungry, improved rural incomes and markets, and restoration and conservation of natural resources essential for food security. 

Gezira Scheme Act 2005.

juli, 2005

This Act consisting of 30 articles establishes the Gezira Scheme as an economic and social entity with various activities. It aims at sustainable and stable exploitation of agricultural production resources and potentials to improve the economic and social standards of farmers and workers of the area it is located in, also to contribute to the achievement of the national goals.

Nyaunglebin District: Food supplies destroyed, villagers forcibly displaced, and region-wide forced labour as SPDC forces seek control over civilians

Reports & Research
mei, 2005

Between October 2004 and January 2005 SPDC troops launched forays into the hills of Nyaunglebin District in an attempt to flush villagers down into the plains and a life under SPDC control. Viciously timed to coincide with the rice harvest, the campaign focused on burning crops and landmining the fields to starve out the villagers. Most people fled into the forest, where they now face food shortages and uncertainty about this year's planting and the security of their villages.

Pa'an District: Food Security in Crisis for Civilians in Rural Areas

Reports & Research
maart, 2005

Released on March 30, 2005...
This bulletin examines the factors causing many villagers in Pa'an district to say that they now face a deepening food and money shortage crisis which is threatening their health and survival. Based on villagers' testimony, the main factors appear to be recurring forced labour for both SPDC and DKBA authorities, made worse in some areas by orders for farmers to double-crop on their land and the encroachment of new SPDC military bases on villages and farmland.

Land to the Tiller: Agrarian Reform STILL a vital strategy for development

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2005
Brunei Darussalam

Agrarian reform, or AR, is the redistribution of public and private agricultural lands, regardless of produce and tenurial arrangement, to landless farmers and regular farm workers, to include support services and other arrangements alternative to distribution of land such as production/profi t sharing, labor organization, or distribution of shares of stock.

Plan de Acción Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía en Colombia.

National Policies
december, 2004

El Plan de Acción Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía en Colombia es un instrumento de alcance nacional cuyo objetivo general es adelantar acciones contra la degradación de tierras, desertificación y mitigación de los efectos de la sequía, así como para el manejo sostenible de los ecosistemas de las zonas secas, a partir de la aplicación de medidas prácticas que permitan prevenir, detener y revertir dichos procesos degradativos y contribuir al desarrollo sostenible de las zonas afectadas.

Plan stratégique de développement de la filière blé du Mali et son Plan d'Action, 2005

National Policies
december, 2004

Les objectifs assignés au plan stratégique de développement de la filière blé pour la période de 2005 à 2009 sont les suivants: orienter les travaux du Comité National de Concertation sur la Filière Blé (CONAFIB) sur les enjeux les plus déterminants pour la promotion de la production, de la transformation et de la commercialisation du blé local; définir les objectifs stratégiques et les actions prioritaires à entreprendre; favoriser un engagement très marqué des membres du CONAFIB, du Gouvernement et des partenaires techniques pour la réalisation des actions; améliorer le cadre de fonctionn

Collective action and property rights for sustainable development

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2004

Institutions of collective action and systems of property rights shape how people use natural resources, and these patterns of use in turn affect the outcomes of people’s agricultural production systems. Together, mechanisms of collective action and property rights define the incentives people face for undertaking sustainable and productive management strategies, and they affect the level and distribution of benefits from natural resources.

Acción colectiva y derechos de propiedad para el desarrollo sostenible

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2004

Las instituciones de acción colectiva y los sistemas de derechos de propiedad moldean la forma en que la gente usa los recursos naturales.A su vez, estos patrones de uso afectan los resultados de los sistemas de producción agrícola de la gente. Juntos, los mecanismos de acción colectiva y los sistemas de derechos de propiedad definen los incentivos a los que la gente accede por llevar a cabo estrategias de gestión sostenible y productiva, y afectan el nivel y distribución de los beneficios de los recursos naturales.