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National Agriculture Policy

Legislation & Policies
september, 2013

The NAP 2013 aims at addressing challenges that continue to hinder the development of the agricultural sector; these include low productivity; over dependence on rain-fed agriculture; inadequate agriculture support services; poor infrastructure; weak agro-industries; low quality of agricultural produce; inadequate participation of the country’s private sector in agriculture; environmental degradation and crop pests and diseases.

The National Irrigation Act

september, 2013

An Act to provide the establishment of the National Irrigation Commission; to provide for the development,operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems; to provide for effective implementation of the National Irrigation Policy, the National Irrigation Development Strategy and to provide for related matters.

‘Land grabbing’: is conservation part of the problem or the solution?

Policy Papers & Briefs
augustus, 2013
Latin America and the Caribbean

Large-scale land acquisitions are increasing in pace and scale, in particular across parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Weak governance and poor land use planning mean that commercial ‘land grabs’ often damage biodiversity as well as dispossessing people from customary rights and livelihoods. Land can also be ‘grabbed’ for ‘green’ purposes, triggering conflicts that undermine potential synergies. Expanded state protected areas, land for carbon offset markets and REDD, and for private conservation projects all potentially conflict with community rights.

Fact Finding Mission on the Impact of Wildlife Investment in Pastoralist Areas of Monduli, Simanjiro, Babati and Kondoa

Reports & Research
mei, 2013

This fact finding is the fulfilment of PINGO’s Forum daily activities for inquiring the challenges facing pastoralists communities. In this fact finding, we will look at the impact of wildlife conservations in pastoralists areas. The Wildlife sector has become a threat to livestock sectors by which the wildlife sector is grabbing livestock grazing areas in the name of wild life conservation. In this fact finding we will look at the impact of established Randile Wildlife Management Area (RWMA) into the grazing area of Lolkisale village among other five villages forming the WMA.

Forced Evictions of Pastoralists in Kilombero and Ulanga Disticts in Mgorogoro Region in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2013

Parakuiyo Pastoralists Indigenous Community Development Organization (PAICODEO), PINGOs Forum, Tanzania Land Alliance (TALA), the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) and journalists from ITV, Star TV, Channel 10 and Mwananchi newspaper have conducted a fact finding mission concerning the forced evictions of pastoralists in Kilombero and Ulanga districts in Morogoro region in Tanzania. The fact finding mission was carried out from 12.11 – 15.11 2012. 

The Fact Finding Mission Report on the Land Conflict and Boundaries in Rufiji District

Reports & Research
maart, 2013

This fact finding mission had been organised to investigate the challenges facing pastoralists in Rufiji District, the challenges which have been defined as the source of conflict in this district. Although pastoralists had arrived in Rufiji since 1990’s but they officially went there and other places in Coastal and in Lindi Regions after they had been evicted from Ihefu and Kilosa in 2006-9. The Government, through their operation, announced to prepare areas for pastoralists and also to set all necessary and potential services for them to survive In Lindi, Ruvuma and Pwani Regions. 

The Social Wandering of the Afghan Kuchis

Reports & Research
maart, 2013


Kuchis, as nomads are now usually referred to in Afghanistan, occupy a peculiar place among Afghan communities. They constitute, like many nomadic communities in other countries, a particularly disadvantaged group with respect to many social indicators such as access to education, health or livelihood standards. Although many Kuchis are settling down, a growing and unregulated phenomenon taking place at the outskirts of the major Afghan cities, these indicators are still not improving.

Report on Status of Meatu Litigation

Reports & Research
februari, 2013

According to the research and follow ups made by Pingo’s Forum and LHRC indicated that, most victims were not trespassers to the land as contented by the Government. The pastoralists including Sukuma, Taturu, hunters and gatherers (Hadzabe) lawfully living within the Conservation Area resisted the government movement to evict them without paying adequate compensation.

Report on the State of Pastoralists´Human Rights in Tanzania

Reports & Research
februari, 2013

Pastoralists in Tanzania are suffering from many human rights violations, including forced evictions from their lands. This report gives a comprehensive analysis of the human rights situation of indigenous peoples in Tanzania, and documents cases of human rights violations against Maasai pastoralists during 2011. 

The information contained in this report is a result of a comprehensive survey and human rights analysis, which used both primary and secondary data collection methodologies covering a total of 10 districts and 18 villages. 

Eviction of Pastoralists from Kilombero and Rufiji Valleys, Tanzania

Reports & Research
januari, 2013

This report springs from series of field visits.Its aim was, among others, to examine further the extent of human rights violations suffered by pastoralists in Kilombero and Rufiji valley during the evictions. It additionally makes recommendations including the need for lobbying against the State’s contempt of court orders

Monitoring African Food and Agricultural Policies

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2013

FAO is working with national partners to set up a sustainable system for monitoring the impact of food and agricultural policies for the first time in Africa. Through MAFAP, FAO has developed common indicators for monitoring key commodities and public expenditure in agriculture. This helps policy makers and donors understand if policies are having a positive impact and compare results across countries and over time.