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Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis comparativo de la dinámica del pastoreo en dos comunidades de la puna o altiplano jujeño, a fin de identificar las diversas estrategias empleadas para reducir los riesgos y la incertidumbre asociada a la actividad pastoril. La comunidad de Lagunillas del Farallón se ubica en el extremo noroeste de la puna de la provincia de Jujuy, donde los pastores crían principalmente llamas y cabras con un sistema de rotación estival.

Integrating improved goat breeds with new varieties of sweetpotatoes and cassava in the agro-pastoral systems of Tanzania : a gendered analysis

Reports & Research
december, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

Owing to the fact that women have different knowledge, access to, and control over resources, and different opportunities to participate in decisions regarding resource use and management from men, the study focuses on gendered differences in livelihood strategies, identifying factors that preclude women from benefitting in livelihood projects and accessing livelihood resources. Qualitative data for the study was collected through gender disaggregated group discussions in two districts, Mvomero and Kongwa in Tanzania.

Securing Community Land Rights

Reports & Research
november, 2012

In this publication two pioneering grassroots organisations from northern Tanzania examine and present their experiences and insights from their long-term work to secure the land rights of hunter-gatherer and pastoral communities. The case studies were presented at a one-day learning event held on 5th October 2012, when Pastoral Women’s Council (PWC) and Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT) joined together to share and reflect on their work to secure land rights, to learn from each other, and to identify ways to build on their achievements moving forward.

An Analysis of International Law, National Legislation, Judgements, and Institutions as they Interrelate with Territories and Areas Conserved by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2012

Across the world, areas with high or important biodiversity are often located within Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ conserved territories and areas (ICCAs). Traditional and contemporary systems of stewardship embedded within cultural practices enable the conservation, restoration and connectivity of ecosystems, habitats, and specific species in accordance with indigenous and local worldviews. In spite of the benefits ICCAs have for maintaining the integrity of ecosystems, cultures and human wellbeing, they are under increasing threat.

Vanishing Rangelands

Reports & Research
mei, 2012

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the size of the range lost to other forms of land uses. This will support the argument that it is time to reconsider the pastoralists sector as a legitimate mode of production in the country which, like other sectors, deserve due priority.

Report on TALA-Media Joint Mission on Land Rights for Agro-pastoralists and Farmers Ulanga District

Reports & Research
februari, 2012

This is a report on TALA-Media joint mission in response to recently reported killings of 5 agro pastoralists and farmers in Maguba area Malinyi Division in Ulanga District. These people were allegedly reported to be killed by gun shots by the Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces on Saturday 17th March, 2012. 

Aligning and Harmonizing the Livestock and Land Policies of Tanzania

Reports & Research
november, 2011

In light of persisting land use conflicts and marginal productivity on village lands, a research in the captioned topic was deemed necessary. This report makes a review of policies on land and livestock agriculture behind the backdrop of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, policies on land and agriculture, and aspirations for land reform. Violations in land rights and prevailing tenure insecurity lasting for decades have skewed mindsets of many users and the land administrators. Policy implementation and enforcement are in dire need of enhancement.