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Catalyzing the Land Data Ecosystem

Conference Papers & Reports
juni, 2019
Eastern Africa
South Sudan

There is no doubt that the Global Data Revolution has reached the land sector. Government data portals, open access academic journals, community mapping initiatives and other citizen-generated data - there is a palpable positive drive across the world that allows processes such as data collection to be more inclusive and open. But within this data momentum, there are still many barriers and questions: Who can access the data, and how? What data is reliable? Who owns the data? What data is up to date? Can I use the data without inflicting harm?

Webinar Report: Land in Post-Conflict Settings

Reports & Research
mei, 2019

Post-war societies not only have to deal with continuing unpeaceful relations but also land-related conflict legacies, farmland and forest degradation, heavily exploited natural resources, land mines, a destroyed infrastructure, as well as returning refugees and ex-combatants. In the aftermath of war, access to and control of land often remains a sensitive issue which may precipitate tensions and lead to a renewed destabilization of volatile post-conflict situations.

The Struggle between the Powerful and the People

Reports & Research
mei, 2019

In November 2018, the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) commissioned field-based research on privately owned monoculture plantations across Bomi County, Liberia. The study sought to identify and provide a broader understanding on the nature and implications of privately owned land holdings on the livelihood/food sovereignty of local communities in view of the expansion of Sime Darby's plantation activities. The research is aligned with promoting SDI's approach on community rights and food security with good governance in forest and climate

Challenges and Opportunities of Community Land Dispensation in Kenya

Reports & Research
april, 2019

The Community Land Act of 2016 provides a legal basis for protection, recognition and registration of community lands andhas provisions for management and administration of the land by the communities themselves. However, implementation of the act has been slower than anticipated. This is despite the current  heightened investment interests in community lands for mega development projects.

Forest Rights and Governance in India

Reports & Research
februari, 2019

The webinar on the Forest Rights and Governance in India took place on 30 January, 2018. The webinar discussed why has there been variation in the implementation of the Forest Rights Act and identified institutional bottlenecks to upscaling its implementation, as well as lessons learned from existing best practices.
The webinar addressed implementation of the Forest Rights Act, its inclusion of traditional forest dwellers - men and women, innovations that have proven successful, and questions of governance and its impact on the forest rights discourse and policies.

Guide pour l’amélioration de la gouvernance des régimes fonciers pastoraux au Niger

Reports & Research
december, 2018

Ce guide en image est le fruit des deux ateliers de Renforcement des capacités des Comités régionaux de transhumance qui ont réuni 110 participants (pasteurs/éleveurs, les gouvernorats, les conseils régionaux, les préfets, les maires, les chefs traditionnels, les services techniques régionaux et départementaux, les organisations de la société civile, ainsi que les représentants de projets et les organisations non gouvernementale (ONG) au niveau de la région). Ces deux ateliers se sont successivement tenus du 9 au 10 septembre 2019 à Dosso et du 13 au 14 septembre à Tahoua au Niger.

Cercos e resistências Povos Indígenas Isolados na Amazônia brasileira

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018
América do Sul

A Amazônia brasileira é a região do planeta com maior número de comunidades nativas classificadas como isoladas. No Brasil de hoje, como nos demais países da região amazônica, assiste-se a uma proliferação crescente de relatos e imagens que dão notícia de povos indígenas em situação de isolamento. A Funai conta 114 registros, 28 deles já confirmados; a maioria se concentra nas regiões de frontei- ra com outros países amazônicos.

Access to Land Influencing the Urban Development of Egypt

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

The paper seeks to assess the impact of access to the land of Egypt on urban development in an attempt to identify policies and laws that can be categorized as a catalyst in urban conflict A systematicreview of Data on land tenure environment of Egypt land access land governance and tenure security the actors involved in these processes their roles the land tenure related challenges they face and measures that can be taken to address these challenges was collected at country level In the context of Egypt Access to land is deemed with obstacles confronting beneficiaries and legal procedures

Customary Land Recognition: Zambian Approach to Documentation and Administration

Reports & Research
december, 2018

From January 15 to February 6, 2018, the USAID’s Tenure and Global Climate Change Program and Land Portal Foundation co-facilitated a dialogue on experiences of documenting household and community-level customary rights in Zambia. The dialogue brought together the perspectives of government, traditional leaders, practitioners, civil society, and academics to consider how customary land documentation can contribute to national development goals and increased service delivery in rural and peri-urban areas.

Strengthening Land Tenure in Informal Settings: A Fit-For-Purpose Approach

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018

A functioning land administration sector is the foundation for economic growth. Unfortunately, effective land registry and cadastral systems with national coverage exist in only a fraction of the world’s countries. Cadasta Foundation is working to overcome this challenge by developing simple digital tools and technology to help partners efficiently document, analyze, store, and share critical land and resource rights information.

Realizing women’s rights to land in the law

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018
Sierra Leone

Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” recognizes the fundamental role of women in achieving poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. Target 5.a aims to “Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws”.