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Building momentum for land restoration: Towards property restitution for IDPs in Colombia

Reports & Research
oktober, 2010

According to the government agency Acción Social, around six per cent of national territory has been abandoned, while between 3.3 and 4.9 million people have been displaced by conflict and violence in Colombia. Roughly half of the internally displaced families owned or occupied land before their displacement. Almost all of them have lost it as a result.

Land Restitution and Prevention of Forced Displacement in Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2010

El conflicto armado interno en Colombia se caracteriza por la generación de más de tres millones de desplazados internos, con consecuencias dramáticas desde el punto de vista humanitario y desde la óptica de la protección de sus derechos. En ocasiones, las razones fundamentales de dicho desplazamiento descansan en una dinámica de control y apropiación territorial con fines tanto estratégico-militares como puramente económicos.

La banalidad del desplazamiento: de peleas estadísticas y vacíos en la representación étnica del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Colombia tiene una de las mayores cifras de desplazados internos en el mundo. Sin embargo, hay un enigma. Mientras las cifras más recientes de las ONG calculan en 4 millones el número total de desplazados internos desde 1985, las cifras del gobierno colombiano muestran estimativos mucho más bajos, de 1,9 millones. De hecho, hay importantes discrepancias en las maneras como se identifica, cuenta y clasifica a los desplazados.

Historia de un despojo y de un litigio agrario: el caso de San José de Gracia y la presa Calles

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Lo presente artículo trata de la cuestión de la disputa de tierras por parte de los indios deSan José de Gracia, desde el embate con el propietario de la Hacienda de Paredes, biencomo, posteriormente, hasta el inundamento de las tierras en consecuencia de la construcciónde la presa Calles. El inundamento trajo como consecuencia la salida de los indiosde su comunidad por medio de la expropiación. Los indios jamás recibieron indemnizacióny fueron dejados a su propia suerte.

Post-Conflict Property Restitution: Flawed Legal and Theoretical Foundations

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

The international community has recently hailed the restoration of property rights for people uprooted by armed conflict as a means of remedying forced displacement. Proponents of property restitution assert that this remedy can enhance the rule of law in a post-conflict society by promoting reconciliation and bolstering economic and social stability. A United Nations (U.N.) subcommission has endorsed a set of legal and technical guidelines for constructing a property restitution scheme.

Land use conflicts in the Inner Niger Delta of Mali: does climate change play a role?

Reports & Research
december, 2009

Does climate change drive conflict over land use in Mali?

This study investigates the alleged relationship between climate change and conflicts, using the Inland Delta of the Niger River in Mali as a case study, where this region is an African hotspot area in terms of land use conflicts.

The author emphasises that, despite the clear climate developments in the region throughout the last century, researchers are much less sure about future changes. Moreover, the paper finds that:

Dispute Resolution in China: Patterns, Causes, and Prognosis

Reports & Research
november, 2009

Since the reform era began in 1978, there have been significant changes in the nature and incidence of disputes, conflicts, and social disturbances, as well as the mechanisms for addressing them. As with economic and governance reforms, the government has adopted a pragmatic, problem-solving approach as it has attempted to meet the broad and, at times, conflicting goals of justice and efficiency while maintaining sociopolitical stability and rapid economic growth.

Whose land is this? Land disputes and forced displacement in the western forest area of Côte d’Ivoire

Reports & Research
oktober, 2009
Côte d'Ivoire

Armed conflict broke out in Côte d’Ivoire in 2002, which caused the country to be divided in two: the north under the control of the Forces Nouvelles rebels and the south in the hands of the government. It also caused the mass displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. In the west of the country, and in particular in the two regions of Moyen Cavally and Dix-Huit Montagnes, the crisis provoked a series of successive displacements involving population groups with competing claims over land.