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Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land- Holding Charges) Amendment Regulations 2013 (BR 28/2013).

Northern America

These Regulations amend the Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land-Holding Charges) Regulations 2007 by replacing the Schedule, which sets out the land-holding charges payable by aliens under section 96(2) of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act 1956 in respect of (acquisition of) land-holding rights.

Amends: Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land-Holding Charges) Regulations 2007. (2010)

Foreign Ownership of Land Register Regulation, 2013.


This reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover and is authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel. A new reprint of the legislation will be prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This change may be because a provision of the original legislation, or an amendment to it, commences or because a particular provision of the legislation expires or is repealed. This Regulation implements the Foreign Ownership of Land Register Act 1988 by setting the values of the fees prescribed under the Act.

Immovable Property (Transfer Restriction) Fees Regulations (Cap. 95).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations determine fees for applications for sanction for the purchase of immovable property under the provisions of section 3(1)(a) of the Immovable Property (Transfer Restriction) Act and applications for sanction to lease any immovable property or any rights therein under the provisions of section 3(1)(b) of the Act. The Chief Development Officer may set such fees if not satisfied by the result of calculation of the fees as prescribed by these Regulations (based on a determined value).

Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land-Holding Charges) Amendment Regulations 2015 (BR 83/2015).

Northern America

These Regulations amend the Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land-Holding Charges) Regulations 2007 by giving a new definition of "the statutory period" in the Schedule, which sets out land-holding charges.

Amends: Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land-Holding Charges) Regulations 2007. (2010)

Recording of Documents Regulations.

Northern America

These Regulations, made under section 5 of the Registrar-General (Recording of Documents) Act 1955: provide rules relative to the form of documents submitted to the Registrar-General for recording or registration; appoint authorized officers for purposes of the Act; and require the metric system to be used for measurements in documents, including survey plans. Forms for the Memorandum of mortgage, Memorandum of acquisition of land from and/or by alien and a Memorandum relative to voluntary conveyances are set out in the Schedule.

Forms Regulation (Alta Reg, 203/1998).

Northern America

The present Regulation is enacted under the Agricultural Service Board Act. In particular, Schedule A contains the form for land registration pursuant to section 12(3) of the afore-mentioned Act and Schedule B the form for land registration implementing section 15(1). The text consists of 3 sections.

Implements: Agricultural Service Board Act (RSA 2000, c. A-10). (2010-11-01)

Decreto Nº 274/2012 - Apruébase la reglamentación de la Ley Nº 26.737 que estableció el régimen de protección al dominio nacional sobre la propiedad, posesión o tenencia de las tierras rurales.

South America

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto la reglamentación de la Ley Nº 26.737 en tema de protección del dominio nacional sobre la propiedad, posesión y tenencia de tierras rurales. El Decreto establece disposiciones detalladas en materia de determinación de la titularidad de las tierras, controles que puede ejercer el Registro Nacional de Tierras Rurales, acreditación de la residencia permanente en el país, certificado de habilitación para los actos de transferencia de derechos de propiedad o derechos posesorios.

Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land-Holding Charges) Regulations 2007.

Northern America

These Regulations set out, in the Schedule, the land-holding charges payable under section 96(2) of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act 1956. These charges are imposed on land holding by aliens. The Order also provides for refund of charges.

Amended by: Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land- Holding Charges) Amendment Regulations 2013 (BR 28/2013). (2013-03-26)
Amended by: Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Land-Holding Charges) Amendment Regulations 2015 (BR 83/2015). (2015-09-28)

Africans on Private Estates (Forms) Rules (Cap. 33:01).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations, for purposes of section 4 of the Africans on Private Estates Act, prescribe forms for: the register of resident Africans; the document certifying registration; and the register of Africans entering an estate under special agreements. The Regulations also specify particulars that shall be included in the registers.

Implements: Africans on Private Estates Act (Cap. 33:01). (1988)

Ley Nº 26.737 - Régimen de protección al dominio nacional sobre la propiedad, posesión o tenencia de las tierras rurales.

South America

La presente Ley se aplica a todas las personas físicas y jurídicas que, por sí o por interpósita persona, posean tierras rurales, sea para usos o producciones agropecuarias, forestales, turísticas u otros usos, en el territorio de la República Argentina.