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Displaying 1021 - 1032 of 1159

Pushing Past the Definitions: Migration From Burma to Thailand

Reports & Research
december, 2002

Important, authoritative and timely report.

Temporarily Displaced; Students and Political Dissidents ; Migrants .



Forced Relocations and Land Confiscation ;
Forced Labor and Portering;

War and Political Oppression;

Taxation and Loss of Livelihood;

Economic Conditions .



Promoção dos Direitos Relativos à Terra em África: Que diferença fazem as ONGs?

Reports & Research
november, 2002

O estudo demonstra claramente as deficiências dos modelos lineares que separam os processos de elaboração de políticas da sua implementação. Ambos os estudos de caso mostram que a legislação e os regulamentos podem ser modificados, reinterpretados ou simplesmente ignorados quando se trata de implementá-los, quando as relações de poder a nível local se tornam críticas. Esta constatação tem duas implicações directas.

Sistemas Costumeiros da Terra em Moçambique

Reports & Research
november, 2002

Quando a Lei de Terras 19/97 estabeleceu que o direito de uso e aproveitamento da terra é adquirido por ocupação por pessoas singulares e pelas comunidades locais, segundo as normas e práticas costumeiras que não contrariem a Constituição, criou-se a ruptura com a prática legislativa em Moçambique e em muitos outros países africanos.

Operation Than L'Yet: Forced Displacement, Massacres and Forced Labour in Dooplaya District

Reports & Research
september, 2002

In January 2002 it appeared that the SPDC considered most of Dooplaya district of southern Karen State to be pacified and under their control. But then Light Infantry Division 88 was sent in and commenced Operation Than L'Yet, forcibly relocating as many as 60 villages by July. Villagers were rounded up and detained without food for days, or force-marched to Army-controlled relocation sites after their houses were burned. Village heads, women and children were tortured.

Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2001-2002: Internally Displaced People and Forced Relocation

Reports & Research
augustus, 2002

The situation of Internally Displaced People (IDP?s), in Burma remained critical throughout 2001. The US State Department
estimates that there could be up to1 million members of ethnic minority groups who the SPDC has forcibly relocated from their
villages and districts, and who are currently living along the Thai border. Reports from NGOs also estimate that an additional 1
million IDP?s are living a precarious existance in other locations throughout the country...

A indispensável terra africana para o aumento da riqueza dos pobres

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2002

Este artigo junta-se aos esforços de muitos outros africanos, entendendo-se por pobreza não só os níveis de rendimento por dia por pessoa, mas também a pobreza como ausência de poder nas relações intra-familiares, entre estas e os demais actores e entre a sociedade no seu todo e os recursos naturais de que se dispõe no Continente Africano.

Unsettling Moves: The Wa forced resettlement program in Eastern Shan State

Reports & Research
maart, 2002

Beginning 1999 up to March this year (2002), hundreds of thousands of Wa people, who had
impressed British travelers as 'exceedingly well-behaved, industrious, and estimable race', were
forcibly moved to border areas adjacent Thailand. The report is about them, why and how they were
uprooted, what happened to the native people where the Wa were forced to resettle and what the
reader can do to help both categories of victims..."
Important, timely and well-produced
document, complete with maps and photos.

Locating the Community: Administration of Natural Resources in Mozambique

Reports & Research
januari, 2002

This paper does not presume to offer definitive answers to complex questions raised around the new emphasis on “local communities” in Mozambique. Such answers vary and depend upon the socio political histories of each community. Instead, the paper briefly explores the concept of local community in the lexicon of Mozambican law as well as NGO and donor discourse.

Land policy in post-conflict circumstances: some lessons from East Timor

Reports & Research
januari, 2002

From Cambodia to Kosovo, and now East Timor, the United Nations has undertaken broad governmental functions in an effort to ensure that peace is maintained after the departure of the peacekeepers. On its face, these “peace-building” missions have a powerful logic. Brokering a peace, but leaving behind a vacuum in institutional capacity, only encourages the return of conflict after the peacekeepers leave. Providing urgent humanitarian relief, but failing to integrate it with development aid, ignores the way that development assists in preventing future humanitarian crises.