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Customary Land (Development) Act (59:01).

Eastern Africa

“Customary land”, “private land” and “public land” shall bear the same meaning in this Act as in the Land Act. The Minister may apply the provisions of this Act to areas in which, according to the Minister, ascertainment of interests in customary land or the agricultural development of such land require the application of provisions of this Act.

Law No. 16/92 on the activities of sworn surveyors.

Eastern Africa

This Act authorizes sworn surveyors to carry out activities as independent professionals and private entities are authorised to carry out topography, photogrammetry and cartography. The Council of Ministers shall have authority to issue Regulations governing those activities. Decree Law 29/75 of 23 October prohibited private surveyors from carrying out those activities as independent professionals and prohibited private companies.

Implemented by: Regulations on activities of sworn surveyors. (1993-08-25)

Act to amend the Act regulating property rights in relation with projects in watercourses (No. 567 of 1995).

Northern Europe

The principal Act provides for the procedures of the application for rights relative to constructions in watercourses or related to watercourses as foreseen in the Water Act (sect. 1). The amendments of the principal Act are made mainly as a consequence of the introduction of the Real Property Formation Act (554/95) which formulates, inter alia, rules relative to land survey and mapping. Section 4 refers to procedures in accordance with section 8(a) of Chapter 21 of the Water Act.

Act to amend the Fisheries Act (No. 562 of 1995).

Northern Europe

The amendments of the present Act concern land survey procedures in accordance with the recently enacted Real Property Formation Act (554/95) for various kinds of water areas to which provisions of the Fisheries Act apply. Borders of fish protection areas shall be established by a certified engineer at the request of Fisheries Area Offices (sect. 45). Section 55 provides for the designation by the Land Survey Office of the part in a water area of members in Fisheries Associations in accordance with section 101 of Act 554 of 1995.

Law No.1005 of 1994 regarding amendments and addenda to Law on Land Reform of 1992.

Central Asia

The Supreme Soviet, for the purpose of improvement of the legislation, decrees to introduce the following amendments and addenda to the Law on Land reform: 1. In the first, second and third parts of the article 5 the wording “State Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan on Land Reform and Land Survey”, must be substituted by the following wording “State Land Surveying Service attached to the Ministry of Agriculture”. 2.

Land Surveyors Act (R.S.N.S.1989, c. 249).

Northern America

The purpose of the present act is to ensure the orderly carrying out of professional land surveying. The Act deals with, amongst others, matters such as the continuation of the Association of Nova Scotia Land Surveyors, its powers, acquisition and alienation of property, election zones, holding register for inspection, right of entry on land and liability, offences, etc.

Implemented by: Land Surveyors Regulations (N.S. Reg. 188/88). (1999-11-25)
Repealed by: Land Surveyors Act (S.N.S. 2010, c. 38). (2010)

Ministry of Natural Resources Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. M.31).

Northern America

The purpose of the present Act is to ensure the continuation of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The text deals, amongst others, with issues such as powers and duties of Deputy Minister and employees in general, powers of Minister, delegation of powers and duties, establishments of programs, fees, guarantees of loans, establishment of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission. The text consists of 14 sections.

Regional Act No. 61 on the use of uncultivated or abandoned lands and insufficiently cultivated lands.

Southern Europe

The aims pursued by this Regional Act are the restoration of uncultivated or abandoned lands as well as insufficiently cultivated lands for production purposes and for the conservation of the hydrogeological balance. The Entity for the Agricultural Development (E.S.A.P.) of the Piemonte Region shall determine the abandoned zones that are likely to be used for the purposes specified by article 1 of Act No. 440 of 4 August 1978. Article 3 of this Act concerns the census on uncultivated and abandoned lands, which shall be performed by the E.S.A.P.

Land Development (Amendment) Act.

Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

This Act amends the Land Development Ordinance and repeals the Sale of State Land (Special Provisions) Law. There are amendments relating to the definitions of terms used within the Act. Section 8 concerns purposes for which State Land may be mapped out including the prevention of erosion from the soil and the protection, conservation and development needs of the area (sect. 8). There are extensive provisions relating to the manner of alienation of State Land including the need for a permit to occupy the land (sect. 19).

Registered Land Act (Cap. 58:01).

Eastern Africa

The Act makes provision for the registration of title in land and related matters. The Act also defines characteristics of various rights in land, sets out the effects of registration if title in land and provides for the acquisition of land by prescription.As for the administration of land registration, there shall be land registry offices and officers for each registration district. The Act also concerns co-proprietorship and partition.

Loi sur les levées topographiques et cadastrales.

Western Europe

La présente loi est relative aux levées topographiques et cadastrales. Notamment, les travaux de la carte et l'établissement du cadastre sont confiés au Service de l'aménagement du territoire. L’article 2 établit que tout propriétaire foncier est tenu de céder le terrain nécessaire à la conservation et à l'utilisation d'un point trigonométrique de cette espèce, ainsi que le droit d'y accéder, et cela soit par aliénation, soit par l'établissement d'une servitude, le tout moyennant indemnité complète. Le texte comprend 9 articles.

Law on survey and real estate cadastre.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law defines the provisions regarding the land survey and the public real estate cadastre, including various administrative and technical issues, procedural matters, data collection and registration, additional mapping rules and financial aspects and requirements.The Law is divided into IX Chapters and 212 article, including the offences and related penalties.