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Law No. 1647 on the Hellenic Cadastre and Survey Organization.

Southern Europe

This Law provides for the institution of the national Cadastre and Survey Organization, its functions and powers, involving activities dedicated to the management of cartography and topography of land. It is a public organization under the responsibility of the Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. It is presided by a seven members Committee. The Committee’s mandate has duration of three years and may be re-elected without any restriction.

Act No. 70 of 1978 relative to survey, partition, and registration of real property (Land Partition Act).

Northern Europe

This Act provides rules relative to the identification of borders and ownership of land.The sections of this Act are divided into 5 Chapters: General provisions (I); Survey (II); Partition of land (III); Registration and related matters (IV); Miscellaneous provisions, entry into force, and amendment of other Acts (V).The municipalities are vested with the authority to register real property and to decide on matters of partition (sect. 3). Section 4 of Chapter II deals with marking of borders.

Land Acquisition Act 1950 (No. 9 of 1950).

Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

The Act establishes the procedure to be followed by the competent authorities for the acquisition of land for public purpose. It includes, among other matters: investigations for selecting land to be carried out by a district officer appointed by the Minister; issue of notice of intended acquisition indicating the compensation to be paid for any damage caused during investigations; issue of notice of acquisition of land or servitude for a public purpose.

Land Development Ordinance 1935 (No. 19 of 1935).

Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

This Ordinance regulates the alienation of State land. For this purpose, it makes provision for the appointment of a Land Commissioner who shall be responsible for the general supervision and control of all Government Agents and land officers in the administration of State land and in the exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Ordinance.Chapter IV establishes conditions and principles governing the alienation by permit or grant and the criteria for the calculation of the annual payment.

Land Ordinance (Cap. 68).

South-Eastern Asia

The Ordinance is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary (I); Country Lands (II); Town Lands (III); Native Lands (IV); Registration (V); Part VI has been repealed; Collection of Land Revenue (VII); Demarcation and Survey (VIII); Trespasses and Penalties (IX).The entire property in and control of State land or land reserved for a public purpose is vested in the Government. Subject to any general or special direction of the Minister, the Director of Lands and Surveys may alienate State land, according to the terms and conditions established in this Ordinance.

Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 251).


This Act makes provision for the registration and the licensing of land surveyors and the control of their practice and establishes for these purposes the Land Surveyor’s Board and the Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors and creates the office of the Surveyor-General.The Surveyor-General shall direct and control all surveys carried out for public purposes and carry out control on all other land surveys. The Board shall advise the Minister on matters regarding land surveys, maintain the Register of Land Surveyors and license land surveyors.

Ley Nº 7/1986 - Ley de ordenación de la cartografía.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la ordenación de la producción cartográfica del Estado, y tendrá carácter de cartografía oficial la realizada con sujeción a las prescripciones de esta Ley por las administraciones públicas o bajo su dirección o control.

Implementado por: Real Decreto Nº 585/1989 - Desarrolla la Ley Nº 7/1986, Ley de ordenación de la cartografía. (1989-05-26)
Implementado por: Real Decreto Nº 1.545/2007 - Regula el Sistema Cartográfico Nacional. (2007-11-23)

Survey Act, 1962 (No. 127).

Western Africa

This Act provides rules relative to the survey of soil and land and the demarcation of land with boundary marks. It also provides for the protection of boundary marks and defines the powers of the Director of Geological Survey, officers of the Geological Survey Department and other persons authorized to carry out land or soil survey.Only authorized persons (e.g. official and licensed surveyors) may carry out surveys of land for the purpose of preparing any plan for attachment to any instrument or conveyance, leases, assignments, charge or transfer.

Native Lands Act (Cap. 46.20).


This Act provides for title and registration of rights in native land.The Act consists of 65 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Titles to native land (II); Alienation (III); The Land Court (IV); Lands Code (V); Leases (VI); Survey (VII); Penalties (VIII); General (IX).Section 4 concerns indefeasibility of title of native title subject to specified conditions. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance native land shall not be alienated, whether by sale, gift, lease or otherwise, to a person who is not a native (sect. 5).

Law No. 5 of 1969 on towns and villages planning.

Northern Africa

This Law consists of 11 Chapters divided into 74 articles: Plans (I); Preparation of plans and their approval (II); Official Maps (III); Use and classification of zones (IV); Public utilities (V); Land subdivision (VI); Buildings (VII); Re-planning of blighted and underdeveloped areas (VIII); General rules (IX); Sanctions (X); Provisions and final rules (XI).Terms and definitions are given in article 1. Every municipality shall have a plan to show how the towns and villages in the Municipality will grow and develop (art. 2). Plans shall be divided into Master plans and Lay-out plans (art.

Land Delimitation and Registration Law issued by Resolution No. 186 of 15 March 1926.

Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia

This Law consists of 7 Chapters divided into 56 articles providing for land registration and survey. Chapter I deals with the judge and assistants entrusted to write, record and delimit lands. Chapter II provides for recording operations and temporary definition of lands. Chapter III concerns with authorizations and objections. Chapter IV relates to the confirmation of temporary delimitations abd objection liquidations. Chapters V and VI contain general and temporary provisions. Chapter VII deals with offences and penalties.

Land Survey and Statistics Law.

Southern Asia

The Law provides for the survey and the statistics related to land in order to institute a Land Register, to set land levy on the basis of the surveys and to ascertain ownership's rights. Special forms shall be distributed to landowners who, in turn, must fill them out and the Tax Office shall then include all the forms in the register. A Cadastral Survey Department shall be instituted and appointed to carry out all the surveys and inspections of lands and marking the boundaries of each parcel of property..