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Displaying 169 - 180 of 530

State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2014

mei, 2014

This report follows the evolution of
carbon pricing around the world. Last year's report
mapped the main carbon pricing initiatives. This year the
report presents the status of each of these developing
initiatives and explores the emerging trends of carbon
pricing. The focus is on the recent highlights from around
the world and on key lessons that can be drawn from the
growing experience. Despite the difficult ongoing

Market and Nonmarket Transfers of Land in Ethiopia : Implications for Efficiency, Equity, and Nonfarm Development

mei, 2014

The authors use data from Ethiopia to
empirically assess determinants of participation in land
rental markets, compare these to those of administrative
land reallocation, and make inferences on the likely impact
of households' expectations regarding future
redistribution. Results indicate that rental markets
outperform administrative reallocation in terms of
efficiency and poverty. Households who have part-time jobs

Tenure Security and Land-Related Investment : Evidence from Ethiopia

mei, 2014

The authors use a large data set from
Ethiopia that differentiates tenure security and
transferability to explore determinants of different types
of land-related investment and its possible impact on
productivity. While they find some support for endogeneity
of investment in trees, this is not the case for terraces.
Transfer rights are unambiguously investment-enhancing. The
large productivity effect of terracing implies that, even

Land Sales and Rental Markets in Transition : Evidence from Rural Vietnam

mei, 2014

The extent to which households should be
allowed to transfer their land rights in post-socialist
transition economies is of considerable policy interest. The
authors use data from Vietnam, a transition country that
allows rental and sales of land use rights, to identify
factors conducive to the development of land markets and to
assess the extent to which land transfers enhance productive
efficiency and transfer land to the poor. They find that

Technical Measures to Trade in Central America : Incidence, Price Effects, and Consumer Welfare

mei, 2014

Despite the widespread tariff reductions
sparked by the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade
Agreement, borders in the region remain thick, with many
hurdles standing in the way of regional trade. Although
anecdotal evidence suggests that nontariff measures raise
trade costs and inhibit trade in the region, little is known
about the magnitude of these economic effects. This paper
uses a newly collected data set to quantify the incidence of

Greenhouse Gas Analysis at the World Bank

mei, 2014

This report builds on reviews of
available methodologies, tools, and practices for greenhouse
gas (GHG) analysis, and summarizes the outcomes of pilot
studies. It discusses the issues and challenges associated
with GHG analysis for energy, transport and forestry
projects such as setting project boundaries and accounting
for indirect emissions. To do this it draws on existing
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Carbon Livelihoods : Social Opportunities and Risks of Carbon Finance

mei, 2014

Global concerns about climate change
have led to the development of new market based mechanisms
aimed at reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) in the atmosphere. These carbon trading schemes
enable countries or entities within countries to trade
'carbon credits' in order to increase the economic
efficiency of transitioning to a low carbon economy. A
sub-set of these markets involve the generation of carbon

Extractive Industries Value Chain : A Comprehensive Integrated Approach to Developing Extractive Industries

mei, 2014

Proper stewardship of revenue from the
oil, gas, and mining industries has tremendous potential to
lift people out of poverty and contribute to sustainable
development. These industries create jobs directly and
indirectly, transfer technologies and knowledge, and
generate significant income. These benefits provide
governments with a financial base for infrastructure
development and social service delivery. The extractive

Information-Based Instruments for Improved Urban Management

mei, 2014

The task of urban managers is to ensure the provision of basic urban services, such as water, waste removal, security, transport, and an environment conducive to economic activity, while maintaining fiscal sustainability of city operations. City managers in developing countries face increasing pressure in achieving these goals because of rapid urbanization, the larger responsibilities following decentralization, and the economic challenges of globalization.

El Salvador Country Land Assessment

april, 2014

This study assesses the alignment of
land use, land tenure, and land market outcomes in El
Salvador with public policy aspirations in recent decades
for efficient, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable
development in both urban and rural spaces. In doing so the
study indirectly gauges the effectiveness of land sector
institutions in facilitating such developmental outcomes in
agricultural production, urbanization, and forest

Making Spatial Change in Pakistan Cities Growth Enhancing

april, 2014

Cities' development matters to
Pakistan. It is central to economic growth, job creation and
quality of life. This is also one of the core themes in the
2011 Government of Pakistan Framework for Economic Growth
(FEG). This paper explores the conditions for
growth-enhancing spatial change in Pakistan s cities.
Cities' development matters to Pakistan. Two strands of
analysis are developed. First, it reviews the performance

Brazil's Experience with Payments for Environmental Services

april, 2014

Since 2006, there has been an explosion
of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) projects in
Brazil, as well as efforts to pass PES laws at federal,
state, and municipal levels. Even in this short period, an
extraordinarily rich range of experiences has developed,
with examples of the application of PES at a variety of
scales, ranging from microwatersheds to entire states; in a
variety of contexts, from remote forest frontier areas to