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Displaying 205 - 216 of 530

Temporary Sequestration Credits : An Instrument for Carbon Bears

maart, 2014

Temporary crediting of carbon storage is
a proposed instrument that allows entities with emissions
reductions obligations to defer some obligations for a fixed
period of time. This instrument provides a means of
guaranteeing the environmental integrity of a carbon
sequestration project. But because the user of the temporary
credit takes on the liability of renewing it, or replacing
it with a permanent credit, the temporary credit must sell

Coping with Urban Fiscal Stress around the World

februari, 2014

The economic recession, the end of
stimulus funding and central government cutbacks, rising
social costs and aging, and the need for infrastructure
upgrading for urbanization are putting enormous fiscal
stress on cities. The financing capacity of municipalities
is greatly affected because of the decline in the tax base,
expenditure pressures, and growing and more expensive debt.
Today's urban fiscal crisis is similar to that

Banking in Africa

februari, 2014

This paper takes stock of the current
state of banking systems across Sub-Saharan Africa and
discusses recent developments including innovations that
might help Africa leapfrog more traditional banking models.
Using an array of different data, the paper documents that
African banking systems are shallow but stable. African
banks are well capitalized and over-liquid, but lend less to
the private sector than banks in non-African developing

A Conceptual Model of Incomplete Markets and the Consequences for Technology Adoption Policies in Ethiopia

februari, 2014

In Africa, farmers have been reluctant
to take up new varieties of staple crops developed to boost
smallholder yields and rural incomes. Low fertilizer use is
often mentioned as a proximate cause, but some believe the
problem originates with incomplete input markets. As a
remedy, African governments have introduced technology
adoption programs with fertilizer subsidies as a core
component. Still, the links between market performance and

More Than Just Hot Air : Carbon Market Access and Climate-Smart Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers

februari, 2014

The Kenya agricultural carbon project is
breaking new ground in designing and implementing climate
finance projects in the agricultural sector. The project is
regarded as an innovative example for climate-smart
agriculture within and outside the World Bank. For the first
time, while increasing productivity and enhancing resilience
to climate change, smallholder farmers in Africa will
receive payments for greenhouse gas mitigation based on

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review : Madagascar

februari, 2014

This Country-Level Effectiveness and
Accountability Review (CLEAR) examines the efficacy of
microfinance aid in Madagascar, based on an objective
analysis of donor assistance for the sustainable development
of financial systems targeting the poor. The three levels of
the financial system are the micro level (e.g., retail
institutions), the meso level (e.g., apex, technical service
providers), and the macro level (e.g., regulations and

Philippine Development Report : Creating More and Better Jobs

januari, 2014

Accelerating inclusive growth - the type
that creates more and better jobs and reduces poverty - is a
key challenge for the Philippines. Instead of rising
agricultural productivity paving the way for the development
of a vibrant labor-intensive manufacturing sector and
subsequently of a high-skill services sector, the converse
has taken place in the Philippines. Agricultural
productivity has remained depressed, manufacturing has

Malaysia : Sustainable Adoption of Innovative Channels for Financial Inclusion

januari, 2014

This note focuses on the regulatory and
market environment relevant to the emergence and adoption of
innovative delivery channels to promote greater financial
inclusion in Malaysia. Financial inclusion is defined here
not only as providing access to financial services, but also
as enabling and promoting increased usage of those services.
Achieving higher levels of access and usage requires an
extensive and efficient retail payments infrastructure,

Beyond Oil : Kazakhstan's Path to Greater Prosperity through Diversifying, Volume 2. Main Report

januari, 2014

Kazakhstan aspires to become one of the
world s 30 most developed economies by 2050. The focus is on
laying the basis for the accelerated diversification of the
economy through industrialization and infrastructure
development, including enhancing human capital to drive
innovation and economic efficiency. This country economic
memorandum report adopts an analytical framework that looks
into options that will be explored to help authorities think

Beyond Oil : Kazakhstan's Path to Greater Prosperity through Diversifying, Volume 1. Overview

januari, 2014

Kazakhstan aspires to become one of the
world s 30 most developed economies by 2050. The focus is on
laying the basis for the accelerated diversification of the
economy through industrialization and infrastructure
development, including enhancing human capital to drive
innovation and economic efficiency. This country economic
memorandum report adopts an analytical framework that looks
into options that will be explored to help authorities think

Agribusiness Indicators : Kenya

januari, 2014

The importance of agriculture in the
economies of sub-Saharan African countries cannot be
overemphasized. With agriculture accounting for about 65
percent of the region's employment and 75 percent of
its domestic trade, significant progress in reducing hunger
and poverty across the region depends on the development and
transformation of the agricultural sector. Transforming
agriculture from largely a subsistence enterprise to a

Zambia Economic Brief, October 2013 : Zambia's Jobs Challenge--Realities on the Ground

januari, 2014

Zambia shares its robust economic growth
and capital inflows in the past few years with other
Sub-Saharan countries, growth supported by high commodity
prices that while declining are still at historical high
levels. High commodity prices have induced large foreign
direct investment (FDI) flows, mainly in extractive
industries but also in services sector, supporting growth.
Zambia's mining sector has benefited from FDI,