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Displaying 229 - 240 of 530

Natural Resources, Physical Capital and Institutions : Evidence from Eurasia

oktober, 2013

Natural resource abundance can lead to
strong economic growth if resource rents are well invested
in physical assets and other forms of productive capital.
This paper focuses on the case of the resource-abundant
economies in Eurasia, which has been less documented in the
literature on natural resource-led development than other
parts of the world. The analysis shows that the stock of
productive physical assets is relatively low, contrary to

Mexico Policy Notes

oktober, 2013

This note presents an overview of
Mexico's forthcoming reform agenda-from the World
Bank's vantage point. It distills the main messages in
the policy notes that make up this compendium. The purpose
is not to provide definitive answers to the many policy
questions likely to occupy the New Mexican administration,
or to provide a comprehensive account of progress to date
and policy recommendations. Instead, it is to provide a view

Poland - Environmental and Social Safeguards : Use of Country System

oktober, 2013

The main objective of the assessment is
to determine how Poland's environmental and social
safeguard systems can be used in place of the corresponding
Bank safeguards, at sector, sub-national, or country level,
and how it will apply to current and future Bank-financed
operations in Poland. This assessment will be done through a
safeguard diagnostic review which involves: (i) an
equivalence analysis, to determine if the Poland legal and

Creating Jobs in Africa's Fragile States : Are Value Chains an Answer?

september, 2013

What is the relationship between
employment and conflict in fragile states? Although this
question cannot be definitively answered, a large body of
research suggests that in countries emerging from conflict,
peace is likelier to endure if growth can be rapidly
restored and translated into economic opportunities for
large segments of the population. With a focus on
Sub-Saharan Africa, this report attempts to address the

Investment and Income Effects of Land Regularization : The Case of Nicaragua

september, 2013

The authors use data from Nicaragua to
examine the impact of the award of registered and
nonregistered title on land values and on investments
attached to land. They find that receipt of registered title
increases land values by 30 percent and greatly increases
the propensity to invest, bringing investment closer to the
optimum. Consistent with descriptive statistics indicating
great demand for regularization of land rights, especially

Comparing Land Reform and Land Markets in Colombia : Impacts on Equity and Efficiency

september, 2013

Based on a large survey to compare the
effectiveness of land markets and land reform in Colombia,
the authors find that rental and sales markets were more
effective in transferring land to poor but productive
producers than was administrative land reform. The fact that
land transactions were all of a short-term nature and that
little land was transferred from very large to small land
owners or the landless suggests that there may be scope for

Political Economy of Public Policies : Insights from Distortions to Agricultural and Food Markets

september, 2013

The agricultural and food sector is an
ideal case for investigating the political economy of public
policies. Many of the policy developments in this sector
since the 1950s have been sudden and transformational, while
others have been gradual but persistent. This paper reviews
and synthesizes the literature on trends and fluctuations in
market distortions and the political-economy explanations
that have been advanced. Based on a rich global data set

Welfare and Poverty Impacts of India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme : Evidence from Andhra Pradesh

september, 2013

This paper uses a three-round
4,000-household panel from Andhra Pradesh together with
administrative data to explore short and medium-term poverty
and welfare effects of the National Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme. Triple difference estimates suggest that
participants significantly increase consumption (protein and
energy intake) in the short run and accumulate more
nonfinancial assets in the medium term. Direct benefits

Reinvesting in African Small-Holder Agriculture : The Role of Tree Crops in Sustainable Farming Systems

september, 2013

This Policy and Strategy Paper
contributes to an ongoing policy debate-within the Bank but
also with its client governments-about the role of tree
crops in various production systems, and as key commodities
in the trade portfolio of various African nations. It
attempts to answer the following questions: a) What is the
role of tree crops in a rural development strategy focused
on smallholders? B) Under what conditions can small-holder

Do Farmers Choose to Be Inefficient? Evidence from Bicol, Philippines

september, 2013

Farming households that differ in their
ability, or willingness to take on risks are likely to make
different decisions when allocating resources, and effort
among income-producing activities, with consequences for
productivity. The authors measure voluntary, and involuntary
departures from efficiency for rice-producing households in
Bicol, Philippines. They take advantage of a panel of
household observations from 1978, 1983, and 1994. The

Mozambique Country Economic Memorandum : Growth Prospects and Reform Agenda

september, 2013

This Country Economic Memorandum reviews
the significant changes Mozambique underwent in the last
five years, specifying that to continue its rapid growth,
and reduce its high levels of poverty, the country will need
to adopt a new set of reforms. Such reforms, focused on
increasing the profitability of agriculture, and promoting
labor-intensive manufacturing activities, hold the best hope
to move poverty into prosperity. Three factors - increased

Mexico : Land Policy--A Decade after the Ejido Reform

augustus, 2013

This study aims to assess the extent to
which reforms have actually been implemented, the impact
they have had on the rural population, and the challenges
which, as a consequence, need to be addressed by the new
administration. This report is organized as follows: Section
1 describes Mexico's rural economy. It reviews the
broad context of macro, trade, and sector-level reforms, the
strengths and weaknesses of both the productive and