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Displaying 97 - 108 of 530

Market Imperfections Exacerbate the Gender Gap

juli, 2015

This paper hypothesizes that labor and
credit market imperfections—by discouraging off-farm
income-generating activities and restricting access to
inputs, respectively—affect female farm productivity more
deeply than male productivity. The paper develops a
theoretical model that decomposes the contribution of
various market imperfections to the gender productivity gap.
The paper shows empirically that agricultural labor

Baltic States and Poland Trade Logistics Review

juli, 2015

The Baltic States; Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania and Poland are situated along strategic trade
corridors within Europe, constituting the EUs eastern border
with Russia and other CIS countries. EU membership has
triggered rapid economic growth for the Baltic States and
Poland due to the removal of trade barriers and reduced
transaction costs. A heavy influx of EU grants has targeted
development and improvement of transport infrastructure, and

Regulatory Reform, Competition, and Innovation

juli, 2015

Discussions of competition and
regulatory reform typically focus on price and quantity
effects. But improving certain infrastructure services can
also stimulate entry, and competition in user industries
downstream, allowing new firms to enter, incumbent users to
offer new products, and rivalry to intensify. The authors
present a case study of how innovations in road freight
services affect selected downstream users of those services

The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty

juni, 2015

The expansion of international trade has
been essential to development and poverty reduction. Todays
economy is unquestionable global. Trade as a proportion of
global GDP has approximately doubled since 1975. Markets for
goods and services have become increasingly integrated
through a fall in trade barriers, with technology helping
drive trade costs lower. But trade is not an end in itself.
People measure the value of trade by the extent to which it

Cote d'Ivoire

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2015
Côte d'Ivoire

This systematic country diagnostic is structured in two main parts, one backward looking and the other forward looking. The backward-looking analysis aims to draw lessons on the determinants of poverty and sustainable and inclusive growth from (a) stakeholder consultations; (b) a poverty profile; (c) a jobs profile; and (d) a review of Cote d’Ivoire’s experience, and a comparison with Ghana and Sri Lanka, countries with similarities to Côte d’Ivoire, but with different growth trajectories.

Uganda Country Economic Memorandum

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2015

The objective of the Ugandan government is to make Uganda an upper - middle income country within thirty years. Economic diversification is a key component of that strategy. The country economic memorandum (CEM) report discusses how the emergence of oil and mineral production can contribute to Uganda’s effort to promote economic diversification as a means to achieve sustainable and shared growth.

Costa Rica's Development

juni, 2015

Costa Rica stands out for being among the most politically stable, progressive, prosperous, and environmentally conscious nations in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Its development model has brought important economic, social, and environmental dividends, with sustained growth, upward mobility for a large share of the population, important gains in social indicators, and significant achievements in reforestation and conservation. However, there are a number of development challenges that need to be addressed to maintain the country’s successful development path.

Household Responses to Shocks in Rural Ethiopia

mei, 2015

This paper uses a stochastic dynamic
programming model to characterize the optimal
savings-consumption decisions and the role of livestock
inventories as a buffer stock in rural Ethiopia. The results
show that relatively land-rich households use accumulation
and liquidation of cattle and other animal inventories for
partial consumption smoothing, while low-income households
appear not to do so. The results highlight the need for

Options and Guidance for the Development of Baselines

april, 2015

Developed under the auspices of the
Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) and with advice and
input from its Baselines Working Group, this document offers
guidance and options for the development of emissions
baselines, a key component for assessing the emission
reductions in in both market and non-market based
mechanisms. In the context of this document, a baseline
refers to a scenario that describes expected or desired

Strategic Environmental Assessment for Industry Sector Himachal Pradesh, India

april, 2015

This strategic environmental assessment
(SEA) is a technical piece intended to assist in the current
and future identification of priority industrial pollutants
and economic instruments to minimize industrial waste. This
industrial sector SEA is one of six pieces of technical
support envisioned by the Himachal Pradesh (HP) inclusive
green growth (IGG) development policy loan (DPL) to fill
knowledge gaps and strengthen operational success of the