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Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

november, 2013

This Regulation amends Article 7 concerning the rental of pasture lands and Article 8 concerning changes in the purpose of the allocation of pasture lands, of the Regulation on pastures dated 1998. The Regulation adds a new paragraph to the Article 8 regarding environmental impact assessment. The Regulation further makes minor changes in Article 13 and 19.

Amends: Regulation on pastures. (1998-07-31)


Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2013
Southern Asia

Drylands are characterized by physical water scarcity, often associated with land degradation and
desertifi cation. Other factors that contribute to these problems include high population densities,
unwise agricultural practices and overgrazing. However, while desert ecosystems are fragile and
vulnerable and can collapse in the short term, given the right conditions and protection, these
areas also have a great potential for recovery. Examples of the recovery of areas have led to the

Republic of South Sudan : The Rapid Water Sector Needs Assessment and a Way Forward

oktober, 2013

The aim of the rapid assessment is to
support the transition from emergency post conflict recovery
to a development approach. The completion of the water,
sanitation, and hygiene, or WASH strategic framework in 2011
was intended to mark the beginning of this transition in the
water resources sector. Among other things, the transition
involved the adjustment of policy and strategy and possibly
a rethinking of approaches as the government shifts from

Regulations on Procedure to Sublease Portion of Farming Unit (GN No. 241 of 2013).

september, 2013

These Regulations, made in terms of section 77 read with section 46 of the Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform, concern subletting of a farm unit. They make provision with respect to an application for consent to sublet farming unit and rent, defines size of farming unit to be sublet and the duration of a sublease, prescribe conditions on subletting farming units by sub-lessees and prescribe conditions on grazing livestock.

Colombia : Agricultural and Rural Competitiveness

september, 2013

The purpose of this study is to assess
agriculture's competitiveness in Colombia. During the
past 12 years, Colombia's agricultural sector has
performed poorly, resulting in the continuation of extensive
rural poverty. Improving the sector's competitiveness
is the only sure and lasting way to improve its growth
performance and reduce poverty. Thus, the main objectives of
this study are to assess: (a) the sector's current and

Madagascar : Rural and Environmental Sector Review, Volume 1. Main Report

september, 2013

This review aims to provide the
Government of Madagascar with a situation assessment and
insights and guidance on how to position the rural and
environment sector as an engine for inclusive and
sustainable economic growth. The review has cast the
analytical net quite widely with the aim to come up with a
comprehensive overview of the sector. In view of the
intimate linkages between rural development and the

Espacialidades pastoriles en las tierras altoandinas: Asentamientos y movilidades en Susques, puna de Atacama (Jujuy, Argentina)

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2013

Las prácticas pastoriles en las tierras altas de los Andes se constituyen como una estrategia productiva y una forma de vida que implica una particular concepción, percepción y vivencia de los espacios. A partir del caso de Susques, en la puna de Atacama (provincia de Jujuy, Argentina), analizaremos cómo en un ambiente de alta montaña a través de las intensas movilidades estacionales, y un sistema de asentamientos dispersos, los pastores se apropian de sus territorios domésticos de pasturas.

From Slash and Burn to Replanting : Green Revolutions in the Indonesian Uplands?

augustus, 2013

The most traditional and widely used
farming systems in the humid upland tropics are based on
fallowing and various forms of slash-and-burn agriculture.
Their sustainability depends on the duration of the fallow;
as long as the fallow stage is longer than seven or eight
years, slash-and-burn systems usually remain efficient. They
produce a moderate yield using a low-input technology that
is especially efficient in terms of returns to labor. With a

Sudan : Options for the Sustainable Development of the Gezira Scheme

augustus, 2013

The report assesses the main factors
which constrain the sustainable development of the Gezira
Scheme (GS), to develop medium, to long term plans,
including short-term actions, to address those constrains.
The GS, is described as a large and complex enterprise,
because although it is one the world's largest
irrigation systems, it has become one of the least
efficient, irrespective of the fact that it uses thirty five

Niger : Towards Water Resource Management

augustus, 2013

The study reviews Niger's water
resources, and planning process, through its short- and
medium-term water investment program, and priorities in the
water supply, and sanitation sector. Critical challenges are
examined for improving its complex water resources
management to support economic growth, given its landlocked
situation, with diffuse, and mostly rural population, and
immense, untapped fossil aquifer supplies. Despite multiple

Efecto de la exclusión del pastoreo en la composición florística, producción de pastos y parámetros edáficos, en minas de carbón restauradas en el norte de España

Reports & Research
juli, 2013

Aunque el efecto del pastoreo en los ecosistemas ha sido ampliamente estudiado, muchos de los resultados a menudo resultan contradictorios. Esta ambigüedad es debida en parte a la capacidad de los herbívoros para dar forma a los sistemas naturales, favoreciendo a especies particulares de plantas o ejerciendo un efecto negativo o indiferente sobre otras.