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Threatened access, risk of eviction and forest degradation: case study of sustainability problem in a remote rural region in India

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Degradation of common pool resource (CPR) in developing countries has often been traced to high rate attached by poor people in discounting future flow of benefits, market failure, pressure on carrying capacity or sometimes property right failure. However, the concept of poorly enforced property right and particularly risk of eviction as a measure of insecurity of land tenure has not been adequately examined in the context of degradation of CPR.

Ecology of Testate Amoebae in Moorland with a Complex Fire History: Implications for Ecosystem Monitoring and Sustainable Land Management

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Testate amoebae represent a crucial component of soil microfauna and have been studied extensively in ombrotrophic peatlands. However, little is known about their ecology in moorlands which are important habitats in terms of biodiversity and carbon storage potential. Moorlands are under threat from a range of factors such as drainage, burning, over grazing, pollution and climate change.

Birds, beasts and bovines: three cases of pastoralism and wildlife in the USA

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012
United States of America

BACKGROUND: Pastoralism in the USA began coincidently with the initiation of profound ecological change resulting from colonization in the sixteenth century. Relationships between pastoralism and wildlife conservation in three different contexts of land tenure, environmental legacy, and geography are examined. RESULTS: On the federal rangelands of the Intermountain West, based on limited scientific information, wildlife policy has been interpreted to require separation of native bighorn sheep from livestock to prevent disease transmission.

Birds, beasts and bovines: three cases of pastoralism and wildlife in the USA

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012
United States of America

BACKGROUND: Pastoralism in the USA began coincidently with the initiation of profound ecological change resulting from colonization in the sixteenth century. Relationships between pastoralism and wildlife conservation in three different contexts of land tenure, environmental legacy, and geography are examined. RESULTS: On the federal rangelands of the Intermountain West, based on limited scientific information, wildlife policy has been interpreted to require separation of native bighorn sheep from livestock to prevent disease transmission.

Lessons Learned for REDD+ from PES and Conservation Incentive Programs

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2012
Latin America and the Caribbean

Mexico, Costa Rica, and Ecuador have substantial experience with implementing payments for ecosystem services (PES) and conservation incentive programs. Yet, many aspects of their experiences remain poorly understood and will require special attention in any new or expanded use of these types of incentives.

Mineral Status of Sheep and Goats Grazing in the Arid Rangelands of Northern Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

A study was conducted in dry and wet season to determine macro and micro mineral status of
growing sheep and goats in arid rangelands of northern Kenya. Forty four, 22 each of sheep and goats (1-2
year old), randomly purchased from three herds/flocks in study area, were sacrificed for whole liver and 12th
right and left ribs. Homogenized liver samples pooled from all the lobes and defatted bone ash from whole
left and right 12th ribs were used for determination of Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn status. Liver mineral

Calidad de la alimentación de caprinos en un módulo agrosilvopastoril de zonas áridas

Reports & Research
november, 2012

En los sistemas extensivos para la producción de caprinos en el Norte de México, existe una fuerte problemática debido a que la alimentación del ganado está sumamente restringida en los agostaderos dada a la baja disponibilidad de forraje de especies nativas como consecuencia del sobrepastoreo, aunado a las escasas lluvias que en los últimos años se han presentado en el país. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la calidad de la alimentación de ganado caprino en un Sistema Agrosilvopastoril para satisfacer los requerimientos nutricionales de los caprinos durante todo el año.

Identifying Investment Opportunities for Ruminant Livestock Feeding in Developing Countries

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
november, 2012
Southern Africa
Eastern Africa
Southern Asia
Western Africa

In the future scenario for livestock development, there is a continuing role for smallholder producers, particular for dairy and small ruminants, relying heavily on grass and crop-residues, however in a growth mode, intensifying production, and enhancing the efficiency of resource use (less land, labor and feed resources per unit product). In particular improving the efficiency of converting feed into milk and meat will be critical to increase their income.

Evaluación del tejido adiposo de toretes en pastoreo finalizados con ensilado de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.)

Reports & Research
september, 2012

Buscando alternativas de alimentación que permitan reducir la pigmentación amarilla de la grasa en la canal del ganado bovino, se realizó un experimento con toretes finalizados en pastoreo, en el cual se evaluó el efecto de suplementación con ensilado de caña de azúcar (EC) en la digestibilidad, comportamiento productivo y color de la grasa en la canal. Se utilizaron 40 toretes con encastes de Brahaman, Suizo y Beefmaster (376 + 7.79 kg PV) mantenidos en pastoreo rotacional, en praderas establecidas con pasto estrella de África (Cynododn plestostachyus) por 90 d.

Land Degradation in Tanzania : Village Views

augustus, 2012

Declining soil fertility due to
inadequate farming practices, deforestation and overgrazing
are among the primary impediments to increased agricultural
productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. These causal factors,
driven by social, economic and political forces, manifest
themselves in market, policy and institutional failures,
inappropriate technologies and practices. This is also the
case in Tanzania where over 90 percent of the population is

Kenya - The Arid Lands Resource Management Project

augustus, 2012

The project ( 1996-2001 - US$22 million
credit ) was uniquely designed as a risk management
instrument - it conceived the establishment of a viable,
government-run system of drought management, through early
warning systems, contingency plans, mitigation and quick
response. The design also devolved responsibility to the
district and community level, encouraging civil servants and
other district development actors to empower local