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Desertification and livestock grazing: The roles of sedentarization, mobility and rest

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Pastoralism is an ancient form of self-provisioning that is still in wide use today throughout the world. While many pastoral regions are the focus of current desertification studies, the long history of sustainability evidenced by these cultures is of great interest. Numerous studies suggesting a general trend of desertification intimate degradation is a recent phenomenon principally attributable to changes in land tenure, management, and treatment.

Desertification and livestock grazing: The roles of sedentarization, mobility and rest

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Pastoralism is an ancient form of self-provisioning that is still in wide use today throughout the world. While many pastoral regions are the focus of current desertification studies, the long history of sustainability evidenced by these cultures is of great interest. Numerous studies suggesting a general trend of desertification intimate degradation is a recent phenomenon principally attributable to changes in land tenure, management, and treatment.

Effects of grazing exclusion on the spatial variability of subalpine plant communities: A multiscale approach

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

The fine-scale spatial structure of plant communities is a key component for understanding the dynamics in vegetation following changes in land management but needs to be assessed at an appropriate scale. We studied the response of plant diversity and spatial variability of species and trait composition to grazing vs. non-grazing (>20 years) using different grain sizes of sampling in three subalpine plant communities.

Morphology and phenology of Scabiosa columbaria from mown and grazed habitats – Results of a simulation experiment

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

We analysed the morphology and phenology of Scabiosa columbaria in relation to grassland management by mowing and grazing. We selected 12 populations from mown and grazed calcareous grassland in six regions of central Europe. At each population site, we collected seed material to produce plants for a morphological and phenological analysis of the species in a simulation experiment, which comprised three treatments (control, simulated mowing and simulated grazing). The simulation experiment revealed a clear morphological and phenological differentiation of S. columbaria.

Simple models of carbon and nitrogen cycling in New Zealand hill country pastures: exploring impacts of intensification on soil C and N pools

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011
New Zealand

Concerns about climate change and water quality make it necessary to have a better understanding of the cycling of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) within landscapes. In New Zealand, pastoral farming on hill country is a major land use, and there is little information available at a landscape level on the cycling of C and N within these systems, particularly the impacts of land use intensification.

Grassland degradation reduces the carbon sequestration capacity of the vegetation and enhances the soil carbon and nitrogen loss

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Grassland degradation not only results in soil degradation and severe decreases in land productivity, but also can promote the emission of soil carbon and nitrogen compounds as greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The primary objective of this study was to characterize the impact of grassland degradation on carbon and nitrogen budgets in Inner Mongolia, China. We investigated the changes of total carbon, organic carbon, inorganic carbon and total nitrogen that occur in a grassland ecosystem (including vegetation and top 30 cm soil layer) in the course of grassland degradation.

Alternative management of weed control in orchards using animals in Martinique

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Improving environment quality leads to reduce amounts of pesticides in orchards. Herbicides are the main pesticides used in Martinique. A mechanical weed control is therefore necessary, but costly mainly on sloping lands where brush cutter use is the most effective. An alternative method to control weeds with low labour costs is to integrate animals and cover crop plants in the orchard. This integration may be hazardous and has to take into account the damages caused to the trees by the animals.

The possibilities for recultivation of overgrown areas in Slovenia

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2011

Still, more agricultural land is getting abandoned in Slovenia, specially in less favored areas. Such process of degradation of fertile land is most intensively present in the Obalno-kraska region and Goriska. Similar happens with grassland in mountain region as less and less animals which are suitable for that region are bred there. To prevent brush encroachment and to start recultivation of aban

Livestock and climate change, challenges and options.CAB Reviews

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

This review outlines livestock's major emission pathways and production trends, and explores the challenges and options for livestock in addressing and coping with climate change. Ruminant production is, and will continue to be, the chief source of the livestock sector's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly as a result of deforestation, land degradation and enteric fermentation.

Managing farmland flora to promote biodiversity in Europe.CAB Reviews

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Modern agriculture has increased food production, improved food security and reduced poverty, but farming has also caused a considerable decrease in biodiversity, primarily through land-use intensification and overexploitation, along with excessive pesticide and water use, nutrient loading and pollution. The major purpose of agriculture is to ensure sustainable food production, adequate nutrition and stable livelihoods for all.

The use of the microcatchment water harvesting for fodder shrub production

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011
Western Asia

The Badia constitutes about 90% of the total land area of Jordan, which is 89 342 km2. Its average annual rainfall is < 200 mm. The area with annual rainfall of 100–200 mm is considered the promising rangeland for rehabilitation. The Badia (part of the rangeland) supplies the livestock sector with about 20% of forage needs, while all the other sources provide the sector with only about 5% of forage.

Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011.

augustus, 2011

The objects of this Act, consisting of 99 sections divided into six Chapters and completed by one Schedule, are: a) to provide rules about each neighbour’s responsibility for dividing fences and for trees so that neighbours are generally able to resolve issues about fences or trees without a dispute arising; and b) to facilitate the resolution of any disputes about dividing fences or trees that do arise between neighbours.