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Common property: can customary law adapt to the free market?

december, 2001

Transition from subsistence to market economy is not easy. In Papua New Guinea most land is still held under traditional systems of common property resource ownership and a growing cash economy can spark conflict concerning management or ownership issues. Research presented at the annual meeting of the UK Development Studies Association (DSA) examines the institutional limitations, during transition, of traditional ownership systems.

Decentralisation of administration, policy making and forest management in Ketapang district, West Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2001

This study examines the preliminary impacts of Indonesia's decentralization process on the administration and management of forest resources in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan. The case study is based on field work carried out in mid-2000, using a rapid appraisal methodology. The report covers the impacts of decentralization in three areas, in particular: customary adat communities, oil palm and rubber plantations, and conservation issues related to Gunung Palang National Park.

Ketergantungan masyarakat Dayak terhadap hutan di sekitar Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2001

In Indonesia, rapid deforestation is affecting local populations’ access to forest, yet little information is available about the impacts of deforestation on highly forest-dependent populations. To better understand these potential impacts, this document reports on economic and cultural uses of the forest for three villages in the Sub-District of Pujungan in East Kalimantan, using data from household suveys conducted in 1996.

The impacts of decentralisation on forests and forest-dependent communities in Malinau district, East Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2001

Malinau District, established through partition in 1999, is the largest district in East Kalimantan and contains some of its largest tracts of forest. With decentralization, the district has sought to generate revenues from its forests, but these efforts have been handicapped by a concurrent lack of institutional capacities to manage rapid forest exploitation and conflicts over claims. Timber extraction and utilization permits (Izin Pemungutan dan Pemanfaatan Kayu or IPPK) have been the main instrument for revenue generation, with 39 IPPK covering 56,000 ha.

The Customary Ideology of Karenni People

Reports & Research
november, 2001

... Karenni people celebrated three kinds of pole festivals in a year. The first one is called Tya-Ee-Lu-Boe-Plya. During this festival, the people went to their paddy fields, vegetable farms, picked the premature fruits and brought it to the Ee-Lu-pole. They put the premature fruits on altar, thank god and then pray for good fruits and good harvest. The second one called Tya-Ee-Lu-Phu-Seh. In this festival they pray god to bless the teenagers with good conducts, and good healths. The third one is Tya-Ee-Lu-Du. The festival concerned to everyone.

Tribes, state, and technology adoption in arid land management, Syria

december, 2000
Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia
Northern Africa

Discusses the widely help conception that arid shrub-lands in Syria and elsewhere in West Asia and North Africa are degraded. A particular characteristic of such areas is a preponderance of unpalatable shrubs or a lack of overall ground cover with a rise in the associated risks of soil erosion.The article finds that:migrating pastoralists have been the scapegoats for this condition of the range.

Essays on land law: the reform debate in Kenya.

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

The various legal, political, economic and social perspectives that have influenced the land reform discourse in Kenya are examined. The historical perspectives of the land question in Kenya are outlined, and the factors that shaped the content of Kenya's land law and attendant institutional and constitutional regimes are addressed. The operationalization of the legal regimes and policy frameworks emergent from the colonial legacy is also extensively dealt with, focusing on the way the state has sought to balance private and public interests in land through the instruments of law.

Décret nº 99-593 portant organisation et attributions des comités de gestion Foncière rurale (c.g.f.r).

september, 1999
Western Africa
Côte d'Ivoire

Le présent décret porte organisation et attributions des comités de gestion Foncière rurale (c.g.f.r), organes de gestion foncière rurale qui délibèrent sur la validation des enquêtes officielles de constat de droits fonciers coutumiers; les oppositions ou réclamations survenant au cours des procédures d'immatriculation des terres du Domaine Foncier Rural concédé; les conflits non résolus au cours des enquêtes foncières; les demandes de cession de droits fonciers coutumiers; l'implantation des opérations de reboisement et des projets d'urbanisation.

Constitution of Finland.

juni, 1999
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Northern Europe