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Selling wealth to buy poverty: the process of the individualization of landownership among the Maasai pastoralists of Kajiado district, Kenya, 1890-1990

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1992

This thesis gives an overview of the Maasai livestock economy as it has developed between 1890 and 1990. Particularly, it analyses the processes and policies of land use and landownership of the Maasai pastoral areas in Kajiado district, Kenya, from the arrival of the Europeans until the recent massive individualization of land tenure. The loss of grazing pastures due to increased cultivation, the establishment of game parks and mineral exploitation is said to undermine the livestock economy of Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado district.

Ley Nº 1.833 - Crea la Comisión Legal para la Protección de los Derechos de las Comunidades Negras o Población Afrocolombiana del Congreso de la República de Colombia.

juni, 1992

La presente Ley modifica y adiciona la Ley Nº 5 de 1992 que expide el Reglamento del Congreso, el Senado y la Cámara de Representantes de Colombia, tiene por objeto crear la Comisión Legal para la Protección de los Derechos de las Comunidades Negras o Población Afrocolombiana, con el fin de asegurar la protección de los derechos colectivos e individuales en el mejoramiento de sus condiciones y calidad de vida a partir de la gestión legislativa, institucional, organizativa, y el control político que realicen los Congresistas afrocolombianos a través de esta Comisión Legal.La Comisión Legal p

Ministerial Decree No. 177 of 1992 regarding the validation of the form of Certificate of land ownership, Contract of tenancy for agricultural land, Contract of temporal leasehold of agricultural land.

december, 1991
Eastern Europe

This Decree establishes that the forms of Certificate of landownership can be used provisionally, till the issues of the state legal form, as a document for lifelong ownership valid for inheritance and limitless (permanent) land lease. This Decree validates the forms of Certificate of landownership, Contract of tenancy for agricultural land, Contract of temporal leasehold of agricultural land. The forms of these documents are supplied in Annexes.

Urban land conflicts and the administration of justice in Ziguinchor

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1991

The National Land Act of 1964, designed to unify legislation concerning land, formally abolished the various local systems of land law in Senegal. The implementation of the various urban land regulations and the efforts to restructure and regulate the spontaneous settlements which were started in Ziguinchor, the capital of the Casamance, in the 1970s resulted in a great number of urban land conflicts. This paper reviews Senegalese law relating to urban land.

Administration and conflict management in Japanese coastal fisheries

Journal Articles & Books
november, 1987

Japanese coastal fishermen have legally-guaranteed equitable access to and “ownership” of the living aquatic resources of coastal waters, through an elaborate fisheries rights system. In Japan no conceptual distinction exists between land holdings and land tenure and sea holdings, or sea tenure, and fisheries enjoy a legal status equal to that of land ownership. Sea tenure in Japanese coastal fisheries is a complex subject that is little known in the West.

Law of Property Act (C.C.S.M. c. L9).

december, 1986

This Act, consisting of 40 sections, makes provisions with respect to land tenure rights, conveyance of lands, easements, transfer of land, leases, mortgages, foreign governments right to own land and various other matters relative to the registration of titles, use of land rights, transfer of land, etc.

Le droit foncier au Sénégal: l'impact de la réforme foncière en Basse Casamance

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1983

Pendant l'année 1982 et une partie de l'année 1983 l'auteur a effectué une recherche au Sénégal avec la collaboration de M. Sypkens Smit, anthropologue. Le thème central de la recherche était l'interaction entre les différents systèmes de droit foncier. Le présent rapport relate la phase préparatoire de la recherche, ainsi que les activités des deux chercheurs sur le terrain, en Basse Casamance. Le chapitre sur "Les aspects anthropologiques du droit foncier: le cas d'un village diola" est de la main de M. Sypkens Smit.

La Parcelle du gendre comploteur: manières coutumières et modernes d'acquérir des droits sur la terre, a N'Zara (Nord-Togo)

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 1982

Cette étude aborde la question de l'acquisition de droits sur la terre, tels que ceux-ci ont été mis au grand jour au cours du développement et du réglement d'un litige portant sur l'utilisation d'une parcelle située dans la ville de N'zara, chef-lieu de la circonscription de Mango, dans le nord du Togo.

Surface Rights Acquisition and Compensation Regulations (R.R.S. c. S-65 Reg. 1).

december, 1981

The present Regulations are made under the Surface Rights Acquisition and Compensation Act. In particular, section 3 establishes that “mineral” includes potash according to clause 2(e) of the afore-mentioned Act establishing that “mineral” means petroleum and natural gas, or either of them, and any other substance that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may by Regulation establish. The text consists of 4 sections.

Implements: Surface Rights Acquisition and Compensation Act (R.S.S. 1978, c. S-65). (2016)

Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977.

december, 1976
Eastern Africa

The Constitution of the Republic of Tanzania was ratified in 1977. Since 1977, several amendments have been applied to the original Constitution. Many of these are related to the relationship between the united government and the Zanzibar government. This Constitution shall apply to Mainland Tanzania as well as Tanzania Zanzibar.

Note sur le régime foncier au Niger, les droits coutumiers, les domines public et privé

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 1970

Cette évolution qui est normale n'en est encore, en particulier au Niger qu'a ses débuts et le législateur s'est préoccupé de favoriser une évolution harmonieuse et ordonnée de la tenure coutumière vers la constitution d'une véritable propriété foncière africaine, facteur de développement économique et social des populations.